My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1460: It’s really nice to have a brother and sister!

Chapter 1460 It’s really good to have a brother and sister!

 When he heard that the necklace was lost, Mo Xiangnuan became anxious.

Zhou Yuqing felt guilty, "I didn't mean it. You know the necklace is so small and it disappeared accidentally."

"Think about it if it's missing there. We'll look for it again. Let's look for it now." Mo Xiangnuan tugged on Zhou Yuqing's sleeves but couldn't pull her away.

Zhao Fang, who was standing aside, heard some meaning from their conversation, "What kind of necklace? Pan'er's necklace? No way."

 In their minds, Li Paner even wears old clothes. How could she have such a thing as a necklace?

 But Mo Xiangnuan obviously did not hear the truth of the words.

 She just hoped that Zhou Yuqing could take her to look for it again.


Ye Qingfeng and Ye Zhiruo were waiting outside Zhao Fang's house. One of them was holding a mobile phone in one hand, and the other had his arms folded. They stood casually there as if they had specially posed a pose, which was pleasing to the eye.

“Brother, do you think it takes so long to get a necklace? It’s been a few minutes since I got there.”

 “Seven minutes and thirty-four seconds.”

 “You are really good at math.” You can write this down, and how clear is it?

Ye Zhiruo was not an impatient person, but she had issued a military order before going out. Today, she must be by Mo Xiangnuan's side at all times.

Thinking of his only guarantee to Ye, Ye Zhiruo couldn't stay any longer, "I'll go in and see why you haven't come out yet."

 Ye Qingfeng has no meaning.

Although the door was open, it was not good to enter someone's house in a big way. She stood at the door and knocked.

 It's a pity that the people inside stayed in the room and didn't hear it.

Ye Qingfeng also stepped forward and knocked. His noise was already loud compared to their usual knocking, but Zhao Fang and others still did not hear it.

It really didn't work. Ye Zhiruo thought of what Mo Xiangnuan did when he was looking for someone.

She pulled Ye Qingfeng and poked Ye Qingfeng's arm, "Brother, you can also learn to call people like Nuannuan."

 “Then why didn’t you shout?”

 “You are a boy and I am a girl. Girls should be reserved and elegant.”

  The education she received since she was a child was how to become a real socialite and a lady of the world. Now it was quite embarrassing for her to shout at people at the top of her lungs.

Ye Qingfeng couldn't help but let out a chuckle, stretched out his hand to touch her head, with a natural doting look in his eyes.

Without deliberately answering the call, Ye Qingfeng took a few steps back and tried to shout: "Nuan Nuan."

It happened to be a coincidence that as soon as he shouted, he was heard by Zhao Fang who was standing beside the bed.

Zhao Fang took a curious look and saw someone standing outside, but she couldn't see their face clearly.

 “Who’s coming again.”

Zhao Fang murmured curiously, and Mo Xiangnuan naturally thought of his brother and sister waiting outside.

She ran to the bed, took a look, and ran out impatiently.

Ye Zhiruo was very happy to see her come out safely, and held her hand, "How is it? Did you get the necklace?"

Mo Xiangnuan bit his lip and shook his head in frustration.

Ye Zhiruo noticed that things were unusual and asked, "What's going on?"

“Yu Qing said that the necklace was accidentally lost.”

 “Huh, lost it?”

 At first hearing this sentence, Ye Zhiruo was not surprised but found it funny.

This sentence sounds fake no matter what, right?

“Where is your friend named Zhou Yuqing? Take me to meet her. I want to ask where she accidentally lost her necklace!”

 “She said she didn’t know either.”

 (End of this chapter)

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