My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1475: Li Pan'er, wake up

Chapter 1475 Li Paner, get up

Having a party at Yejia, everyone went back to their homes around nine o'clock. Kitano, who finally finished working overtime, rushed directly from the company to pick up Yu Anran and her daughter.

 After seeing off all the guests, Ye Weiwei deliberately pulled Mo Xiangnuan aside and asked her if she was suitable for today.

Mo Xiangnuan nodded.

Although she was not familiar with those people yet, she felt kindness and warmth.

That was a feeling she had never felt before, and it still felt unreal to her.

Especially when she slept in the room dedicated to Mo Xiangnuan at night, lying on the bed, she kept her eyes open and did not dare to sleep, for fear that when she woke up, everything would turn back to the same bad state as before.


 “Li Pan’er, get up.”

“Damn it, why haven’t you prepared breakfast today? Are you lazy at home?”

“I can’t even do this kind of work! It’s a waste of food to feed you, so don’t eat this meal!”

“Li Pan’er, go and take this pile of clothes for washing.”


Mo Xiangnuan suddenly sat up from the bed. He subconsciously put the back of his hand on his forehead and felt that he was sweating profusely.

Her heartbeat was very fast at this moment, and it was more clearly audible in the quiet room, like the sound of a drum.

 She opened her eyes and saw the street light that was always on outside the window, and fumbled to press the light button on the bedside.

 With a "pop-" click, the room suddenly became bright, like daylight.

She grabbed the quilt with both hands and touched the soft and warm mattress, remembering the time she spent on the cold and hard bed of the Li family.

There are a lot of mosquitoes in summer. In winter, even if you wrap yourself in a quilt, you won’t feel the warmth. You often wake up in the middle of the night from the cold.

 Thinking of those days, I suddenly felt a little scary.

 “Dong dong dong.”

 There was a knock on the door.

Mo Xiangnuan immediately became alert, stared at the door, and asked in a low voice: "Who is it?"

 “Dong dong dong.”

 No one answered, just a knock on the door.

Mo Xiangnuan didn't dare to get out of bed. The person outside the door had already pushed the door open and entered.

Ye Weiwei walked in wearing pajamas.

 When Mo Xiangnuan saw clearly who was coming, he instantly relaxed.

She just remembered that the soundproof room here was very good. What she said in that little voice just now could not be heard by the people outside the door.

Ye Weiwei slowly walked over and sat on the bedside, "Nuan Nuan, why aren't you sleeping yet? Children can't stay up late."

 Yejia has a specially set healthy schedule for children. At this point, the children should be sleeping in bed.

She just passed by and noticed that the lights in this room were still on, so she knocked on the door. However, she didn't hear a response from the person inside and opened the door. Unexpectedly, Mo Xiangnuan was sitting on the bedside, looking a little lonely.

“Can’t you sleep? If there’s anything you’re not used to, just tell mommy. You don’t have to be polite.”

Mo Xiangnuan heard Ye Weiyi’s self-promotion in front of her.

But from the beginning to the end, she never called Ye Ye Xichen mommy, nor did she call Ye Xichen daddy.

She thought about it, but she couldn't get the words out of her mouth.

She didn’t even know what she was struggling with...

Mo Xiangnuan was lost in his own thoughts.

Ye's only words never got an answer, but she was not annoyed at all. Instead, she opened the quilt and sat on the bed, hugging Mo Xiangnuan.

 “Can mommy sleep with you tonight?”


Mo Xiangnuan agreed.

 After the two of them lay down, Ye was the only one who kept holding her.

 Mo Xiangnuan experienced deep maternal love for the first time.


 (End of this chapter)

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