My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1476: Can't adapt to the new school

 Chapter 1476 Unable to adapt to the new school

Mo Xiangnuan was treated very well after she came back, probably because Ye Weiwei and Ye Xichen deliberately protected her. The people she came into contact with were all close to her and were full of goodwill towards her.

The only thing that gave Mo Xiangnuan a headache was Bei Jiyue.

  Earlier, the four of us could stay together and play, but then Bei Jiyue turned around and left when he saw her...

Although people around her have comforted her several times and said that Bei Jiyue has been like this since she was a child and that he did not target her intentionally, she can feel that Bei Jiyue did it on purpose.

 It seems to be because of my brother Ye Qingfeng?

Ye Zhiruo also told her that Bei Jiyue likes to play with Ye Qingfeng. Is it because she thinks that someone who suddenly appeared has taken away Ye Qingfeng's attention?

Mo Xiangnuan made cakes with his own hands and wanted to give them to the little Loli. The little Loli was very arrogant at first and refused to eat them after just one look.

In order to help her sister, Ye Zhiruo took a piece of pastry and ate it with gusto, but the little Loli was greedy for it!

  You can’t admit defeat so easily, right?

“Yue’er, this pastry is delicious, don’t you really want to try it?”

"I'm not hungry."

 “Then I’ll finish eating.”

 Ye Zhiruo took one bite at a time and deliberately ate slowly.

Bei Jiyue is really good. If you say you don’t want it, you really don’t want it.

This method failed, and Ye Zhiruo started to come up with new tricks for Mo Xiangnuan.

It is said that children like to eat sweets, but Bei Jiyue is an exception. Candies cannot coax her.

Classes from Monday to Friday, and you can't keep Bei Yueyue to cultivate feelings every day. This matter can only let it go.

Mo Xiangnuan was only in sixth grade when she was in the countryside. Ye Weiwei was worried that she wouldn't be able to adapt when she first came to the city, and she hadn't even started to talk about going to school yet.

But Mo Xiangnuan didn't want to waste time just like that.

She took the initiative to go to Ye Weiyi and said that she wanted to continue studying, and Ye Weiyi readily agreed.

Ye Weiwei mentioned this matter to Ye Xichen that night. According to Ye Xichen's speed, he soon received a notice from the school, which meant that he could take Mo Xiangnuan to school now.

Considering that Mo Xiangnuan had not learned the teaching content of City S before, they still sent her to the sixth grade of elementary school, thinking that there were still half a year left to speed up her studies, and then they could also arrange for her to study with Ye Qingfeng They went to the same junior high school.

Mo Xiangnuan was not used to it when he entered school.

Ye Ziwei was worried that her daughter would not be used to it, so she said hello to the teachers in advance, and those teachers were very polite to her.

 She was placed in a class with a better learning atmosphere. Someone spread the news that Mo Xiangnuan's family had a backstage, which aroused everyone else's curiosity about her.

I don’t know who asked about her age. When I heard that she was 14 years old and still in the sixth grade, they all speculated that Mo Xiangnuan was not a good student...

When Mo Xiangnuan came to this school, he felt that the classrooms here were great. However, the ordinary decoration of the classrooms was the same as that of the richest people in their village, with white walls and floor tiles.

When Mo Xiangnuan first arrived, her deskmate always liked to ask her all kinds of questions. Mo Xiangnuan avoided some answers and behaved relatively silently.

When the second class was over, she took a water cup to get water, but she found that the water dispenser in the classroom was different from the one at Yejia, so much so that she couldn't even operate the dispenser even after looking at it.

Mo Xiangnuan stood there and stared for a long time. The person behind him laughed and said, "Mo Xiangnuan, you don't know how to get water, do you?"

Mo Xiangnuan hugged him slightly.

 “Just press the red one, you don’t even know it!”

 This is already common sense to other students.

 (End of this chapter)

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