My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1483: accidentally hit

 Chapter 1483: Accidentally bumped into

 Mo Xiangnuan returned to the Mo family during the New Year. In addition to paying New Year greetings, the people in the Mo family were also studying about her body.

The genetic disease that was originally thought to have been completely cured appeared in a child who had been missing for fourteen years, which made the Mo family go to check their bodies with fear.

They are very afraid that the so-called "cured" before is wrong. Some people have even suggested that "genetic diseases are genetic diseases and there is no way to cure them. It will even become more difficult to cure as time goes by."

“We have all had physical examinations since Mo Xiangnuan came home last time, and the examination results showed that we are all healthy, so only Mo Xiangnuan has a problem in the Mo family.”

“Perhaps it’s because Ye Xichen’s treatment was incomplete? After all, he only stayed in the Mo family for a short treatment period.”

 The discussion of the Mo family was based on speculation, and the final conclusion was to study the disease from Mo Xiangnuan.

In this way, Mo Xiangnuan will stay in the Mo family for a while.

But in fact, Mo Xiangnuan himself was not willing to stay here.

The people in the Mo family were also nice to her, but they didn't have the warmth and closeness she felt from the Ye family.

Just when the Mo family was discussing with Ye Xichen about keeping Mo Xiangnuan in the Mo family for a while, Mo Xiangnuan secretly tugged the hand of Ye Qingfeng who was standing next to him, "Brother, I don't want to stay here."

It was rare for Ye Qingfeng to hear her sister make demands of herself. At that time, she really wanted to slap her chest and promise her that she would not leave her behind, but the last thing she said was a sensible one: "Don't be afraid, brother knows."

At the end of the day, Ye Xichen agreed.

  No matter what, good health should be your top priority.

The power of the Ye family is in Ye Xichen's hands, and the responsibility falls on Ye Xichen's shoulders, so he doesn't have that much free time. The only person who will stay overnight is Mo Xiangnuan.

 At the same time, Ye Zhiruo also said that he would stay here to accompany his sister.

 But there are only five people in their family. If they all stay in the Mo family, how can Ye Xichen visit relatives and friends alone and have no other skills?

 So, Ye Xichen brought back the brothers Ye Qingfeng and Ye Zhiruo. Ye Zhiruo went to the Nangong family, while Ye Qingfeng went to the Bei family.

Ye Zhiruo went to Nangong's house. When she and Nangong Yu stood together, they looked like twin sisters. It didn't mean that they were similar in appearance, but that their aura and temperament were too harmonious when they stood together.

 When Gong Qianli took them out, passers-by thought they were twins!

“Tsk, tsk, if you want to change your surname to Nangong, your dad will be furious.”

“Godmother, you are making fun of me again.”

Everyone knows that although Ye Xichen doesn't talk much, he is simply lawless when it comes to doting on his wife and daughter! Anyone who wants to take advantage of his daughter is digging his own grave.

“No kidding, my godmother is also my mother, so you are my daughter.”

Even if they are not biological, the relationship is not much different from biological.

They were driving along the road at normal speed when suddenly someone passed by and bumped into Nangong Yu.

"Hey..." Nangong Yu subconsciously touched the arm that was hit. When he turned his head to look, he saw that he didn't know who had hit him in the huge sea of ​​people.

 It was probably accidental, and Nangong Yu didn't take it to heart.

But what she didn't know was that behind a big tree not far from her, there was a man in a hat staring at her figure with an evil look in his eyes.

 (End of this chapter)

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