My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1484: I like gentle and warm men

Chapter 1484 I like gentle and warm men

The total number of people in the Ye family went to different relatives and friends' homes. It would be boring to go back alone, so they simply stayed in the Ye family during the night. Doing elegant things with Nangong Yu every day can also cultivate their sentiments.

“Yu’er, I heard that you are studying illustration recently?”

“Well, I passed the piano test before, so I want to learn something new.”

 “Hey, I’m so envious that I can do whatever I want.”

Nangong Yu has also developed many interests and hobbies since she was a child, but she is the kind of person who will change her focus and learn new things after everything she does well reaches a certain level of recognition.

Nangong Yu never deliberately signs up for any competitions. He doesn't strive for rankings and honors, and just does what he likes.

And Ye Zhiruo is the kind of person who keeps trying to do something better after doing something well. It’s like she chose to learn dance and kept practicing, and she hasn’t given up until now.

“Yu’er, lend me a book to read.”

“There are two books on the table. I bought them when I was in school, but I never had time to read them.”


Ye Zhiruo went to look for it at the table. As expected, there were two books in the far corner. She took the top one in principle.

 As I flipped through the book, something suddenly fell out of the book and fell to the ground.

Yezhiruo looked down and saw that it was a bookmark made of ginkgo leaves.

She bent down to pick it up, and was about to put it back into the book, but found that the ginkgo leaf bookmark still had words written on it.

 “My heart is pleased with you.”

 Ye Zhiruo read out the sound.

Nangong Yu turned around in confusion and saw what she was holding in her hand. She walked over and saw the words on it, and she frowned.

Ye Zhiruo chuckled and teased her, "Who gave me this bookmark? It's quite interesting to use ginkgo leaves to express love."

Nangong Yu’s reaction was very flat, “I don’t know, just throw it away.”

 “It’s pretty good-looking, it’s a pity to throw it away.”

 “It’s not my thing, there’s no use keeping it.”

“Okay.” Ye Zhiruo shrugged and threw the bookmark into the trash can as Nangong Yu wanted.

Nangong Yu stared in that direction for a few more times and then looked away.

 Actually, she lied...

 She didn’t know when the bookmark was stuffed into the book, but she already knew the person who sent it, because the handwriting on the bookmark was familiar to deskmate!

 Just kidding, they are only in the first year of junior high school, so these likes are too unreliable.

It’s just that the person has been her deskmate for a semester, and is still a relatively familiar person in comparison, which is really embarrassing.

Nangong Yu did not admit it, but Ye Zhiruo had no intention of reading.

She asked curiously: "Yu'er, what kind of person do you like?"

"I have no idea."

“Have you never thought about the kind of person you would be attracted to?”

Nangong Yu thought about it seriously and said, "Probably like a godfather."

Ye Zhiruo smiled in surprise, "Wow, your dad will definitely be jealous if he hears this."

“There’s nothing you can do about it, you asked me to say it.”

"Why? Do you like someone as majestic as my daddy?"

"No, I just think the godfather is more reliable." And her biological father... Tepi.

Ye Zhiruo shook her head repeatedly, "It's true that it's reliable, but I think only someone as lively as my mom can complement my father's seriousness."

“So, sister, what kind of person do you like?”

“Hehe, he must be a gentle and warm man.”

 (End of this chapter)

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