My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1506: Han Qi ran away from home

Chapter 1506 Han Qi ran away from home

Han Qi came to S city three days ago.

 When he came, he said four words: run away from home.

He asked her: "I ran away from home, will you take me in?"

 The shop owner at the time:…

 The shopkeeper’s real name is Ye Xiaoye, which was given by her family’s ill-advised father.

Ye Xiaoye is twenty-five years old this year. She opened a milk tea shop by herself because she didn’t want to obey her parents and find a suitable man to marry.

 Ye Xiaoye has been waiting for her destined person.

 But she didn’t wait for the right person, but she waited for a little brother who had run away from home...

Ye Xiaoye has a hobby of playing online games, and she met Han Qi while playing games online. Han Qi is famous for his sharp tactics in the game.

 Han Qi is used to hanging up on a map in the game. Many people asked him to compete, and nine of them lost miserably. Gradually, he became famous in that server.

 At that time, Ye Xiaoye and his bonded nurse were about to recruit teammates to play a game PK competition. By coincidence, they teamed up with Han Qi. The three of them had good operating skills, and they had a great time playing that day!

Slowly, when they play PK, they will chat with each other secretly first, and then they develop feelings for each other.

Of course, it’s not just a **** love, but a tacit understanding of teammates and brothers.

 They have known each other in the game for two years.

Ye Xiaoye never imagined that one day his teammates would run out of the game and come to his milk tea shop!

When Han Qi revealed his identity in the game, Ye Xiaoye was shocked and couldn't even believe it!

In the past, Han Qi said that he was underage, and Ye Xiaoye always teased him as a little brother. But now when they meet, they realize that he is not only a minor, but also a child who is far from being a minor!

 The fourteen-year-old boy... is more than ten years younger than her!

 Ye Xiaoye wanted to cry when she realized once again that she was an old aunt playing games.

Han Qi said that he ran away from home and asked her if he could take her in. Ye Xiaoye refused at first, but later gave in to the brotherly love of the past two years. In addition, Han Qi was just a teenager, so she showed her kindness and gave Han Qi a place to sleep.

Ye Xiaoye is not a good person who likes to suffer losses, so she is not polite at all when she calls Han Qi. When there are many people, she will ask Han Qi to help with chores.

 But she still hopes that Han Qi can go home.

Ye Xiaoye said: "You were not here just now. Didn't you see that the mother of the female classmate just now came here? She was crying so sadly while holding her in her arms."

Han Xingye: "Yeah."

“I just saw the mother’s reaction and was surprised. She ran out of school and frightened her family.”


“Hmm, what? Are you listening carefully to what I’m telling you?”


 “Then give me some reaction!”

 “Didn’t you agree?”

Ye Xiaoye blinked and reiterated the question, "I mean you, don't you think about how anxious and worried your parents will be after you run away from home?"

 “That’s none of your business.” Han Qi didn’t seem to care at all.

 “Hey! I have such a bad temper!” Ye Xiaoye rolled up his sleeves as if he wanted to teach someone a lesson.

  Han Qi wisely dodged away and made her a cup of milk tea to cover her mouth, "Okay, I know what I'm doing."

Ye Xiaoye was helpless. Sometimes she felt that Han Qi was a very thoughtful boy who seemed different from his peers.

 (End of this chapter)

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