My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1507: The only one who escapes the night

Chapter 1507: Escape from Night

 “Are you really so calm?”

"How can you tell that I'm calm..." Han Qi thought about the reason why he hid in the back just now, because he heard Ye's only voice!

At that time, he was a little surprised and doubtful when he heard the voice, but he still hid just in case. Unexpectedly, the person who appeared at the door of the store was really Ye Weiwei.

If he is found here by Ye Youwei, wouldn't that be tantamount to exposing his whereabouts?

 So he must not show up!

When he heard Ye's only name for Mo Xiangnuan, he had already confirmed Mo Xiangnuan's identity. She was the little princess who had been missing for fourteen years before being found. She was the treasure that everyone in the Ye family held in their hands. pimple.

At that time, I really wanted to sigh about fate...

They all said that Mo Xiangnuan was very well-behaved and obedient, but they never imagined that the first time they met would be in such a way. One ran away from home, the other ran away from school, and the two people who were related to the family met by chance. This kind of Everything is said by coincidence just like making up a story!

Hand, Han Qi didn’t know that there was an even more coincidental thing waiting for him to dig out and discover.


Ye Weiwei accompanied Mo Xiangnuan back to school. When she appeared in front of the Li family and his wife with such a strong momentum, the Li family and his wife immediately became scared!

 They were used to bullying Li Pan'er when they taught him a lesson, so they acted arrogantly in front of Mo Xiangnuan! But when someone gave Mo Xiangnuan support, the Li family and his wife couldn't be strong for three seconds!

Ye Weiwei specifically asked the head teacher to leave this matter to them to resolve alone.

When the Li family couple saw that no one else was around, they suddenly panicked.

Ye Weiwei asked someone to close the door tightly, leaving the Li family and his wife with no way to escape.

“I didn’t expect you two to have such courage and go directly to school to harass my daughter!”

 “Mrs. Ye misunderstood, this is all a misunderstanding.” Father Li refused to admit it.

  Li's mother also echoed, "Yes, yes, we just miss Nuannuan, so we came to see her."

At this moment, he was as well-behaved as a pug that shook his head obediently. Even his name was deliberately changed.

Ye Weiwei closed her eyes and took a deep breath. When she opened her eyes, she still saw the fake looks of the Li family and his wife. She really wanted to slap them until they disappeared!

 Leaving the two of them alone will always become a time bomb around Mo Xiangnuan.

"We made an agreement with you when we brought Nuannuan. You said you would never take the initiative to appear in front of her. So how do you explain your appearance here now?"

 “This is an accident.”

 “Oh, save this kind of talk for another time to deceive a three-year-old child.”

 “Mrs. Ye, what do you mean...”

"What do you mean..." Ye Weiyi repeated the four words, and then said: "You should know how much I value Nuan Nuan."

 “I know.”

 “But you didn’t keep your promise and challenged my bottom line again and again!”

“This is a misunderstanding, please let me go, we will never come again.”

"There are only three chances to be trusted at most, and lying to me is unforgivable! Since you know how important Nuannuan is to me, you must realize that in order to let my daughter live a peaceful life from now on, I may do something What is too much for you to bear?

"What do you want to do? I told you to lock us up, but it is against the law!"

 (End of this chapter)

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