My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 151: The only dark side of night

Chapter 151 The only dark side of night

 “Your things have fallen off.” Ye Weiwei stood at the door and watched coldly.

Li Moer bent down to pick up the cherry hairpin and handed it to Ye Weiyi, "I almost forgot. Seeing that you were staring at the hairpin and seemed to like it very much, I will give it to you as a gift."

She pretended to be generous, and the tone of conversation between the two did not sound like strangers.

The security guards no longer forcibly pulled people away, but instead stretched out their hands to separate Ye Weiwei and Li Moer.

 “Sorry, I don’t accept things from strangers.”


With a cold word, Ye Weiwei closed the door without hesitation.

  When the solid door isolated her from the outside world, Ye Weiyi pressed her back against the door and slowly slid down the smooth door as if she had lost all her strength. Finally, she squatted by the door, curled up and hugging her knees with her hands.

 Same cherry hairpin.

The pink box in Ye Xichen's place disappeared, and the cherry hairpin just appeared in Li Moer's hair.

 How can there be such a coincidence?

 She could pretend to be strong and disdainful in front of Li Moer, but in fact she was very scared.

It’s not that she doesn’t trust her, but that she is afraid that Ye Xichen will really take care of her other sister as Mrs. Huiye said.

"don't want."


When she felt her eyes were a little moist, she closed her eyes tightly, hugged her knees with her arms, and gradually clenched her fingers into fists.

 “Brother is mine alone.”

 “It can only belong to me!”

She opened her eyes, her eyes were as clean and clear as agate, and after biting, the corners of her red lips were raised and loosened again, and then raised again.

After repeating this several times, she stood up and walked to the room. She sat down in front of the dressing mirror and gritted her teeth as she closed her mouth tightly.

 The fingers of the clenched fist rested lightly on the edge of the table, slowly opened them, caressed the cheeks, and tried to control their facial expressions.

 “It’s so ugly.”

  She was talking to herself in front of the mirror, as if she were looking at each other with herself in the mirror.

 “Brother is mine and can only be mine.”

 “If anyone wants to **** him away...”

At that moment, Li Moer's words echoed in my ears.

 Crazy thoughts flashed through Ye Weiwei’s mind, but they gradually subsided.

 “Absolutely not!”

 Don’t let others know your dark side.

Moreover, Ye Xichen must not be discovered!

Ye Weiwei went into the bathroom and washed his face. When he came back, he had basically calmed down. He poked sweet dimples on both sides of his cheeks with his hands, as if nothing had happened.

Ye Weiwei made an appointment with Gong Qianli to meet.

Gong Qianli happily went to the appointment, "I just wanted to go shopping on the weekend afternoon, so you made an appointment with me. We really have a good understanding."

Gong Qianli took advantage of her height to hold Ye Weiyi's shoulders. Ye Weiwei was like a bully sister being pulled away by Gong Qianli.

“Oh, girls should be kind to themselves. Clothes are indispensable. Go pick out a few pieces today.”

Ye Weiwei shook his head and refused, "No, what you bought is so expensive. I'm very poor now."

Gong Qianli made a nonchalant promise: "I'll buy it for you."

"don't want."

“Then let Brother Chen pay, and it will be considered as a gift from him.”

 “He won’t give me anything.”

“Are you kidding? A few days ago, Nangong Luo told me that Brother Chen bought a hairpin. I don’t know what kind it is. Do you know? Did Brother Chen give it to me?”


"Really?" Gong Qianli looked at her single ponytail tied with a black headband and asked, "Why don't you wear it?"

“It was not given to me, but given to Li Mo’er.”


"So Liuli, I want to ask you something..."

 (End of this chapter)

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