My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 152: Smashed cherry hairpin (blackened

Chapter 152 Smashing the Cherry Hairpin (Blackening Chapter)

 “Li Mo’er got into trouble with the school boss today.”

 “Li Mo’er broke up with the school sweetheart today.”

“Luo said, today Li Moer went to their class to find Brother Chen.”

Ye Weiwei leaned against the window and quietly read the message from Gong Qianli from top to bottom, reading it again and again.

Yes, the last time she asked Gong Qianli for help was to keep an eye on Li Moer's actions.

 She regards Li Moer as her enemy!

Tiangong Qianli sent her several messages in succession.

“Only, that little **** went to find Brother Chen again.”

“But don’t worry, I heard that Brother Chen ignored her.”

 “Only! I took away the little bitch’s hairpin!”

Ye Weiwei's expression was normal when she read the first two sentences, but when she saw Gong Qianli's last message, the corner of her mouth twitched.


"Why did you take away someone's hair card?" According to Gong Qianli's temperament, she even suspected that Gong Qianli had directly robbed the person.

 Houye did not receive a reply from Gong Qianli.

 The situation on Gong Qianli's side is like this...

The next class in their class is a physical education course. This class has an 800-meter training run, and the students have to record the final assessment results, so the students have to be prepared.

At this time, girls will take off some of the things they wear. When Li Moer took off her cherry hairpin, the people next to her were surprised and asked where she bought it.

Li Moer said coyly: "It was given by someone else. I don't know where it came from."

“Hey, I really wish I had seen this hairpin in a fashion magazine. It must be a limited edition.”

I don’t know who recognized that the hairpin was not an ordinary thing. Everyone thought that Li Moer was from the Ye family, and they praised her a lot.

 Li Mo'er's vanity was greatly satisfied.

 “Hmph!” Gong Qianli, who had watched this show of praise from beginning to end, snorted disdainfully.

Seeing Li Moer take off the hairpin and put it in the storage box, after Li Moer left, Gong Qianli took the hairpin away by accident...


Ye Youwei received a call for a door-to-door delivery. After opening it, he saw that the bright red cherry hairpin was randomly stuffed into the box.

 Gong Qianli’s appendix: She resisted the urge to beat the little **** and took the hairpin away, lest you couldn’t wait, so I sent it to you first.

Ye Weiwei took out the card and threw the express box into the trash can.

She raised her hands, holding the hairpin in her palms and looking at eye level.

  “Ah…in a roundabout way, you are back in my hands again.”

 When Gong Qianli came to see her at night, he asked her if she had received the hairpin.

Ye Weiwei frowned and nodded honestly, "Yeah, I was shocked when I got it this afternoon."

“Tch, what’s the point? You don’t know that Li Mo’er’s face is so disgusting.”

Gong Qianli also complained about Ye Xichen for playing with Li Moer, but knowing that Ye Weiwei was a brother-controller, she did not dare to say more.

 “What are you going to do with the hairpin?”

 Ye Weiwei blinked and said to her innocently: "Throw it away."

Since it was not the weekend, Gong Qianli sat with her for a while and then went home.

 Ye Weiwei opened the door and walked to the room, picked up the hairpin and looked at it.

"So lovely."

 She placed her fingers on the table, palms facing up, and the backs of her hands facing down.

The bright red cherry hairpin slid onto the table along her white fingers.

Ye Weiwei took out the mini hammer from the drawer beside him and looked at the beautiful hairpin. A smile appeared at the corner of his mouth and he murmured: "What a pity."


The hammer hit the table, and the sound of the hammer hit the heart.

Ahhhh, when I was there at the end of Chinese Valentine’s Day, I felt so happy...

That feeling, tsk tsk tsk, the little bell is so cool!



 (End of this chapter)

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