My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 153: Who sent the card?

Chapter 153 Who gave the card?

Li Moer's cherry hairpin disappeared and the whole class knew about it. Some people spread this to Ye Xichen's ears intentionally or unintentionally.

Ye Xichen stopped Nangong Luo: "Go check on Li Moer's hairpin."


Nangong Luo was so shocked that he stepped on the bench when he received this order!

“Boss, do you really want to take care of Li Mo’er’s affairs? No, you really want to recognize this sister. What about our only sister?”

 “We?” Ye Xichen narrowed his eyes slightly, focusing on key words.

The silly Nangong Luo didn't understand it for a moment. He raised his head and patted his chest and said vowedly: "Ang, I have already said it first. I am on the side of my only sister."

 “Just go check it when I ask you to do it, don’t talk so much nonsense!”

"I dont go."

"It's none of my business if Li Mo'er's hairpin is lost. I won't go." Nangong Luo has a close relationship with Gong Qianli because Gong Qianli is always the only one who praises Ye and then demotes Li Mo'er, which makes Nangong Luo hate Li Mo'er. Mo'er's impression "flew down" three thousand feet.

Nangong Luo was unwilling to help Li Moer.

Ye Xichen's face turned cold, "I asked you to find out when and where Li Mo'er got her hairpin."


Nangong Luo's forehead seemed to have three black lines drawn across it.

Ye Xichen glanced at him and said solemnly: "Your brain should be rebuilt."

Nangong Luoshen trembled: "Boss..."

That immature baby face looks particularly aggrieved.

 He accidentally misinterpreted the boss's order. That was really not intentional!

“Don’t worry, boss, I’ll leave immediately, little one.”

Nangong Luo was a shameless and arrogant person when he was arrogant, but until he stopped helping Li Moer, he was very efficient in doing things.

“Boss, that’s the only store in our area that sells them, but at that time there were only two cards.”

“The purchase record shows that shortly after we left the jewelry store, your mother…Mrs. Ye bought another hairpin.”


There was a scratching sound, and the pen in Ye Xichen's hand was crushed with his bare hands.

Ye Xichen's eyes showed an imperceptible stern look, "Sure enough."

 This is the cherry hairpin that I accidentally fell in love with.

He did not hesitate to buy exquisite hairpins and have them packaged perfectly in pink boxes just to give Ye Yiyi a surprise.

Unexpectedly, when he was about to give it away, the hairpin Li Moer was actually wearing the same hairpin.

Of course he would not give the same thing to Ye Weiwei knowing that the person next to him had a cherry hairpin.

 So he did not hesitate to destroy the share in his hand.

This thing was originally a small thing that he discovered by chance, so he just regarded it as a coincidence without investigating the reason.

It was just Li Moer doing something with a cherry hairpin that caught his attention.

This investigation revealed a lot of dark truths!

Ye Xichen threw all the fragments of the pen in his hand into the trash can and left the classroom directly.

 “Boss, where are you going?”

"Find someone."

  Grade 1, grade 2, junior high school.

Li Moer cried in front of her classmates, and the other classmates pretended to comfort her in the name of the Ye family.

 “That thing is very important to me!”

Gong Qianli felt guilty for a moment and covered her face with a book, but she really felt uncomfortable.

“That thing was given by a relative. If it were lost like this, I would feel sorry for them.”

Seeing that Li Moer attached so much importance, and thinking that Li Moer had always been running to Ye Xichen in the past two days, some people speculated, "Li Moer, did the hairpin come from Ye Shao?"

 (End of this chapter)

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