My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 154: Deliberately create misunderstanding

Chapter 154 Deliberately creating misunderstandings

Unexpectedly, someone asked directly, "Did Ye Xichen give me the card?"

  No matter how expensive the card is, it is just a drop in the bucket for Yejia, but Li Moer cares so much because the person who gave the card must be a special person.

 “It’s Ye Xichen…”

Li Moer pretended to be wiping her tears and sobbing to answer, but when she blinked, she saw a familiar figure walking outside the classroom.

The classmate next to me wanted to confirm the answer, "Is it really a gift from Mr. Ye?"

Li Moer quickly shook his head and changed his words: "No, no, no, I haven't made it clear yet. It was a gift from Ye Xichen's mother. I feel bad that the gift from my elders was lost."

 She originally wanted to tell everyone that it was a gift from Ye Xichen, in order to create the illusion that they had a good relationship.

 “Three people make a tiger”.

 At that time, even if someone spread this word to Ye Xichen's ears, she could explain that others had misunderstood.

At this time, the baby-faced Nangong Luo walked in carelessly and approached Li Moer with a smile, "Miss Li, I have something to ask you. Come with me."

Li Mo'er lowered his head and twitched his eyes, thinking that Nangong Luo was really stupid. He was obviously the heir of the four major families, but he was willing to follow Ye Xichen as his younger brother. This was simply disrespecting himself and ruining his identity.

But she could only think about it in her heart, but she couldn't say it out loud.

Nangong Luo personally came to "invite" someone. Li Mo'er couldn't refuse, so he followed him with a weak attitude.

She knew that Nangong Luo and the others all liked Ye Weiwei. In this case, she faced them with Ye Yiweidu's character.

 But this time Li Mo'er's wishful thinking was about to be ruined.

Facing Ye Xichen’s stern face, he shouted: “Brother Chen.”

Of course, Ye Xichen never responded to Li Moer's call.

Ye Xichen ignored her coy attitude and asked coldly: "Tell me, what's going on with the hairpin?"

Hearing Ye Xichen ask about the hairpin, Li Moer's eyes flashed with joy, and she complained to him without hesitation, "I put the hairpin in the locker during physical education class, and when I went back to get it, it was gone. ”

However, Ye Xichen stared deeply into Li Moer's eyes, as if he understood everything in her mind!

 “Li Mo’er.”

Just by calling out his name coldly, Li Moer was shocked, her feet trembled, and she pressed the wall and pretended to be calm and replied: "Yes."

 “What I want to hear is the origin of the card issuance.”

Li Moer looked down at her toes and quickly organized something to say in her mind. Just when she was about to tell a half-truth and half-lie, Nangong Luo suddenly tilted his head and looked at her, "Miss Li, the boss can't tolerate half a lie, please be patient."

The moment he saw Nangong Luo's eyes filled with smiles, Li Moer suddenly felt inspired.

She thought about the day she got the hairpin...

That day she was shopping with Madam Ye, and accidentally saw Ye Xichen and Nangong Luo buying something in a jewelry store.

After they left, Madam Ye took her into the store and said, "Just now I saw that the two people in front of me chose something good. Let me take a look at it."

Li Moer admired Madam Ye at that time. Obviously they didn't see anything, but Madam Ye came in without asking and just let people take it. Even if the seller was confused, he followed the principle of customer first and took another one.

“Guest, you are really discerning, there are only these two cards in the whole city.”

“The lovely lady next to you must be your daughter. It looks good at her age.”

Mrs. Ye gave her the hairpin with a smile on her face and asked her to wear it in front of Ye Xichen.

  Now you know that the card was not sent by Chen, right? How can you doubt Brother Chen?

Qixi Festival: A new week has begun. Whether you are working, studying, or doing other things, Qibao, come on~



 (End of this chapter)

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