My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1526: take your hands away

 Chapter 1526 Take your hand away

 “But you are not!”

"What do you mean?"

“Look, you also play games, but you are tall, handsome and have such a nice voice.”

Han Qi's heart trembled when he heard this.

This stupid girl said she did it on purpose, right? So good at coaxing people?

 “Ah, he was beaten to death again.”

Just now, the two of them were distracted and were defeated by the boss. Feng Xi was typing in the team and asked yy why only one person came.

Mo Xiangnuan was about to type an introduction when Han Qi suddenly turned on the microphone and said, "She is next to me."

 After saying this sentence, he closed the microphone in a hurry.

 For people across a computer screen, this polite sentence is too easy to make people think.

Mo Xiangnuan didn't think much about it at all. She didn't think there was anything wrong with this sentence at all.

 Things seemed to go much smoother after that.

 After finishing this dungeon, it was time to log off and get ready for bed. The portraits of Han Qi and Mo Xiangnuan turned gray at the same time.

Mo Xiangnuan didn’t take these things to heart. She only knew that she had reached the maximum level today!

 quite happy.

 Happily... I was waiting for the news that Han Qi was about to go to their school.

Han Xingye deliberately inserted Han Qi into Mo Xiangnuan's class, but their seats were far apart.

This distance made Han Qi not happy.

Mo Xiangnuan returned to normal after being surprised, but the girls in their class were a little abnormal and full of more benefits than usual, especially those who loved Han Qi!

I don’t know what method Han Qi used to switch seats with Mo Xiangnuan’s deskmate after two classes, and successfully “rooted” by Mo Xiangnuan’s side.

 “How, how…”

“He’s not my dad yet. He didn’t say anything. He just tricked me into getting into the car and brought me here today and threw me and my transfer materials at the school gate.”

Mo Xiangnuan giggled after hearing this. After Han Qi's description, she could even imagine an abstract picture in her mind!

 “Mo Xiangnuan, please be more careful.”

The appearance of Han Qi has simply improved the overall appearance level of the class a lot.

Although they are junior high school students, this does not prevent them from budding in love. After all, they are an emotionally hazy adolescence.

Han Qi is very popular when he comes to school, although he is often called out by the teacher for not paying attention in class...

 But the classmates still like him very much.

It took Mo Xiangnuan a month to build a good relationship with Han Qi, but it only took three days.

 It can be said that I am jealous...

“Han Qi, you are so awesome. You play well with everyone.” Mo Xiangnuan looked enviously.

Han Qi put his hand on her shoulder and told her, "Don't worry, I only want to play well with you."

“Brother Qi, let’s play basketball on the playground.”

 “OK, coming right away.”

As soon as he heard about the basketball appointment, Han Qi immediately took his hand off Mo Xiangnuan's shoulder and followed the group without looking back.

Mo Xiangnuan’s mouth twitched.

Han Qi’s words really have no credibility.

Han Qi was thriving here, but when it came to the exam, he wanted to slump in his seat and hand in a blank paper. When the exam results came in, Han Qi was at the bottom, and he was still at the bottom of the whole grade.

But Mo Xiangnuan is different. She ranks in the top three in exams and is always a good child praised by the teacher.

The teacher talked to Mo Xiangnuan, hoping that Mo Xiangnuan could help Han Qi more. Mo Xiangnuan nodded in agreement, but Han Qi himself was too lazy to do so.

 When he came back from school and wanted to play games, Mo Xiangnuan directly closed his notebook.

Mo Xiangnuan reminded, "Han Qi, you can't play games anymore, your grades need to be improved."

 “Hands away.”

 (End of this chapter)

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