My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1527: Fill-in-the-blank question: Torturing x feels good for a while, chasing x at the crem

Chapter 1527 Fill-in-the-blank question: Torturing x feels good for a while, chasing x at the crematorium

Of course Mo Xiangnuan refused.

Han Qi took her hand away from the notebook with force.

 “Let go, Mo Xiaonuan!”

Mo Xiaonuan! This is the new name given to her by this unreliable guy Han Qi.

Han Qi refused to admit that she was older than him, and he didn't call her Nuannuan as affectionately as others, and he couldn't take advantage of her and call her sister in front of the Ye family. So, to sum up, Han Qi came up with a new nickname - Mo Xiaonuan.

 After hearing some things too many times, I don’t bother to refute them.

 But! Mo Xiangnuan’s determination will not be changed easily.

Furthermore, she still remembered the words that Ye Weiyi specifically said to her last night. Ye Weiyi hoped that she could help Han Qi within her ability, because Han Qi was really a poor child.

 “Han Qi, it’s useless what you say this time.”

"leave me alone."

 “You have to study with me.”

 “If you don’t want to learn, get out of here!”

“Don’t be like this. Mathematics is actually not difficult. As long as you find the right way, you can learn it.”

  "Are you annoyed? Whether you teach or not, I'm annoyed by everything you listen to. Do I have anything to do with you? It's my business if I don't study well."

 “You live in my house now, I should help you.”

“Okay, I can just pack up and go outside to play, right?”

  It seemed like Han Qi was really about to leave with his notebook in hand.

Mo Xiangnuan's repeated persuasion was of no use. She was a little angry, but more of aggrieved.

"You, you don't have to go, I won't teach you anything!" Mo Xiangnuan stamped his feet, finally willing to let him go.

Mo Xiangnuan turned around and left. Han Qi stared at her back, as if he accidentally saw her raising her hand to wipe her tears when she was turning around.

The room was empty after Mo Xiangnuan left. Even if he held his laptop and opened the game page, he couldn't play anymore.

 He felt empty in his heart.

Ye Xiaoye went online and secretly chatted with Han Qi to play a game. After forming a team, he queued up a few games, but the result was a losing streak.

Ye Xiaoye was furious, "Han Qi, you're not in good shape, I've already lost a lot of points! I'm going to lose a rank soon!"

 “I’m not in the mood to fight tonight, sorry.”

Han Qi left the group directly after apologizing.

An absent-minded person cannot even play games well.

Han Qi wandered around the room and finally slammed the door and walked out.

He walked to Kengmo Xiangnuan's room and knocked on the door, but got no response.

 He glanced at the time. He should not be sleeping at this time.

 Ye Zhiruo and Ye Qingfeng went to the next city to participate in an event and competition, so no one came to interfere.

Han Qi walked around the house and finally found that the lights in the piano room were like daylight.

Han Qi quietly walked over and found Mo Xiangnuan sitting inside, holding the music score in his hand, as if he was reading it seriously.

Han Qi didn’t know whether he should go.

 Looking back on reflection, what I said tonight was indeed a bit excessive.

Just when he was about to open the door and go in, he suddenly heard the music coming from the piano room. It was the request he made when he deliberately embarrassed Mo Xiangnuan that day.

At that time, Mo Xiangnuan could not fully master it, but now he can actually get every note right, which can be said to be a rapid progress.

After finishing the song, Han Qi finally couldn't help but knock on the door to attract her attention.

 “Okay, I learned it so quickly.”

Mo Xiangnuan's talent is indeed great, even a proud man like Han Qi has to admit this.

Mo Xiangnuan raised his head and glanced at him, then lowered his head to study the score.

Han Qi finally knows what retribution is...

 【It's a pleasure to torture x, chase x at the crematorium】

 (End of this chapter)

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