My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1538: her trumpet

 Chapter 1538 Her trumpet

 They have not added friends on other dating apps besides games, so if one of them is not on the game, they may not be able to find them.

 Fengxi typed in a series of numbers and asked her to add QQ.

Mo Xiangnuan added obediently, but Feng Xi’s question came again, “Is your QQ account a small one?”

Mo Xiangnuan explained: "No, I only have this QQ number."

Mo Xiangnuan’s QQ account was applied for a year ago, but she rarely plays it. The average number of chats recorded in the space is one per month, and the level of the account is relatively small, which looks like a small account.

After Mo Xiangnuan explained, Fengxi called her to have **** again.

 After what happened last time, Mo Xiangnuan's family knew the function of YY, so she also went.

After leaving, Fengxi asked her why she didn’t turn on the microphone to talk, and Mo Xiangnuan explained that she didn’t have a microphone.

 In fact, she doesn’t like to open the microphone and chat with people she has never met before. The reason why she came here to listen to Feng Xi’s speech is because she doesn’t understand this game and wants to learn from Feng Xi.

Typing is too slow, I can describe it more clearly with voice.

Mo Xiangnuan has reached the full level and can now learn how to play the game.

Fengxi asked her whether she preferred PVE or PVP, that is, whether to choose between fighting the red-named boss in the dungeon or fighting real players.

Mo Xiangnuan thought of the disgusted look on Han Qi's face when he played a dungeon last time, and the high-spirited look he had just witnessed when Han Qi played in a live competitive match. Comparing the two, Mo Xiangnuan chose PVP without hesitation. .

 She wants to be as powerful as Han Qi.

But when Mo Xiangnuan started playing, he realized that PVP is so scary!

When Feng Xi takes her to do daily work, if the red name comes from the opposite side, she has to run away. Because the disguise is too small and the person is too weak, she will be beaten to death if she can't run away. It's very pitiful.


The system sounded a scream, and Mo Xiangnuan's game character lay on the cold floor again.

Looking at the resurrection time that was still one minute away, Mo Xiangnuan stood up and went to get a bottle of water.

 When I came back, I found a message popping up on the game page to add friends.

 She clicked Agree and added directly to the friend list.

The ID of the newly added friend is called Shiqi.


However, the person didn't speak to him after adding him as a friend. Mo Xiangnuan thought that it might have been randomly added when the system guided him to add friends.

Until the next day, a person named Shiqi chatted with her secretly and asked her if she knew how to do daily tasks.

 Mo Xiangnuan has a good memory, and this talent advantage brings her many benefits. For example, she can remember the task process and route that Feng Xi taught her once!

 So when that person Shi Qi secretly chatted with her, she just typed and said a few words to that person.

The person asked her directly: "Miss, can you take me through a daily routine? I just played this game."

The content of the words was very simple, and Mo Xiangnuan directly classified that person as a "newbie".

 She was able to get help from others when she was a newbie, and now when others need her help, of course she will do what she can.

 Smile Xiangnuan and Shiqi formed a team.

Mo Xiangnuan went about his daily life with his luggage, and for some reason, it was extraordinarily peaceful today.

I didn’t expect that taking a newbie on a mission would go so smoothly, and Mo Xiangnuan still had a little sense of accomplishment!

From then on, every time Mo Xiangnuan went online, Shiqi would secretly chat with her to do tasks together.

Mo Xiangnuan felt that this thing was really amazing.

 (End of this chapter)

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