My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1539: particularly important person

 Chapter 1539 A particularly important person

 When Mo Xiangnuan's menstrual period passes, Han Qi's miserable days will come again.

“Han Qi, get up quickly and don’t sleep. Today we have to make up for all the homework we missed.”

 “You don’t sleep so early in the morning!”

 “It’s almost ten o’clock, it’s already very late.”

“The sun hasn’t risen yet, let me squint a little longer.”

“Han Qi, you are indeed confused by your sleep.” It was bright outside, but there was no sun.

According to Mo Xiangnuan's observations of Han Qi during these times, she found that Han Qi liked to stay in bed and was angry when getting up.

 Mo Xiangnuan was a little afraid of him because she was not familiar with him before, but now she has gradually gotten to know Han Qi. She does not have the same awe for Han Qi as she does for her brothers, sisters or parents. She feels that she and Han Qi are equal.

“Han Qi, get up. If you don’t get up, you’ll be hungry.”

 “Don’t make any noise, I don’t want to eat, I want to sleep.”

 “No, I can’t let you go like this.”

Mo Xiangnuan walked around his bed and shouted, finally waking up Han Qi!

Han Qi sat up as soon as he said the word, but he didn't have anything nice to say, "Are you annoyed? If you don't sleep, I have to sleep. Leave me alone!"

“If you just get up and study, I won’t bother you.”

Mo Xiangnuan had a fight with Han Qi. This time she really wanted to help Han Qi, at least let him find a goal so that he would not continue to be decadent.

The behavior of running away from home like before is really not good. She doesn't like Han Qi to do this again in the future.

“Han Qi, you are a big idiot, I will definitely urge you to study.”

 “It’s so annoying! Get out, get out, and don’t stand in front of me and be an eyesore.”

Han Qi waved to her.

Mo Xiangnuan pursed his lips, lowered his head in despair, and slowly stepped back until his back was against the wall.

She stood leaning against the wall with her head bowed, refusing to move or speak.

Han Qi rubbed his head. When his consciousness gradually recovered from the anger from getting up, Mo Xiangnuan was already "angry" and ran away.

As soon as he turned his head, he saw Mo Xiangnuan standing there looking miserable, as if he was a pitiful little person who had been left outside and no one cared about him.

Han Qi felt: I simply can’t stand her!

 But this unbearable means that I cannot bear to see her aggrieved look.

Han Qi reached out and waved to her, "Come here."

Mo Xiangnuan remained calm.

Han Qi sighed with both anger and helplessness. He swung his feet and stepped on the floor. He walked over and held Mo Xiangnuan down. "What's wrong? Are you really angry?"

Mo Xiangnuan shook his head.

Han Qi: "..." I believe your reaction is crazy!

But when he saw someone's angry look, the arrogant Han Qi couldn't help but lower his head and slowly explained, "I just got up and didn't react. You know, I didn't mean to yell at you." of."

"I know."

 “Then what are you still struggling with?”

“I’m struggling not because you don’t want to get up, but because you don’t want to study with me.”

 As a good student, Mo Xiangnuan is very worried about his studies!

Han Qi finally understood! This girl just tried her best to trick him into going to school.

 “Let’s study this, it’s really not interesting to me.”

“But you said you don’t have a special interest in anything. If you don’t have one, then I’ll help you develop one.”

“Interest can be cultivated, but learning mathematics is absolutely impossible!”

Mo Xiangnuan still insisted, "Believe in me, I can do it."

 “I don’t want to learn!”

 (End of this chapter)

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