My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1549: You are very cute, I like it very much

 Chapter 1549 You are very cute, I like it very much

“Mo Xiaonuan, why are you so stingy?”

 “I’m not stingy!”

Han Qi has always been the one to make fun of others, but he has never experienced the feeling of being teased.

“I’m stupid, I tend to believe other people’s words easily, but everyone has a limit to their tolerance.”

 “Hey, no, I’m just joking with you.”

 “But I don’t like it when you make such a joke.”

Not everyone can joke easily, but Mo Xiangnuan is someone who takes every word said by others very seriously. She can't stand joking. This is her personality.

She and Han Qi are two people with completely different personalities. Han Qi likes to tease her probably because of their different freshness.

 But she didn't like that at all.

Mo Xiangnuan stood stubbornly on the spot.

Han Qi waited for a while but did not wait for her to do anything else, so he had to lower his head and admit his mistake, "Okay, okay, I'll admit it."

 But such a perfunctory tone made people feel uncomfortable, especially the sensitive Mo Xiangnuan.

 “Han Qi, you don’t understand at all.”

Han Qi immediately replied: "You are just hypocritical."

 “You!” Mo Xiangnuan was so angry that he didn’t know what to say!

“I just don’t understand why you’re angry. What I just said was just a joke to you. I’ve already explained it to you.”

"..." Mo Xiangnuan finally knew what the other girls meant when they talked about "straight men", and they were exactly the same as Han Qi now!

Han Qi has a free and easy temper, while Mo Xiangnuan likes to do things according to the rules. Han Qi speaks in a loose tone, while Mo Xiangnuan either tells the truth or is unable to speak. The two people have different ideas and it is easy for them to disagree.

Mo Xiangnuan held it in for a long time and finally let go.

  She sighed and said, "It's time for me to go home. I'll transfer the money to you when I get back."

Han Qi asked: "Transfer money? What money to transfer?"

Mo Xiangnuan answered honestly: "I will bear half of the cost of the meal just now."

Han Qi blurted out: "No need."

 But Mo Xiangnuan had already made up his mind to make AA money, and he did not forget to tell Han Qi, "It's not your own money, so don't waste it like that in the future."

 “Who says I didn’t earn it myself!”

“Han Qi, are you still teasing me?”

“Hey, you believed me when I teased you, but now you don’t believe me when I tell the truth, okay, okay, I was wrong.” This time he really knew his mistake, because he thought of the story of “The Boy Who Cried Wolf”.

This time Han Qi apologized to her seriously and explained, "I really didn't lie to you. I earned all the money for treating you to dinner. I won awards and bonuses when I went to perform."

Han Qi brushed off his brilliant achievement of winning the award, but Mo Xiangnuan took it seriously.

“You won an award? What kind of performance can you show me?”

“It’s just some insignificant performances, music-related, you study hard, and you can participate in a competition or something in the future.”

Hearing Han Qi's suggestion, Mo Xiangnuan shook his head, "I don't like to participate in competitions."

 There are many music competitions, but she only likes to watch them and is not willing to participate in them herself.

Han Qi suddenly reached out and hugged her.

 Being caught off guard, Mo Xiangnuan didn't know how to react...

 “You, you, you, what are you going to do!”

 “I think you are cute, I like you very much.”

 Mo Xiangnuan: “!!”

I was still a straight man just now. Is it so slippery now?

 (End of this chapter)

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