My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1550: A photo with her

Chapter 1550 A photo with her

 After hugging her, Han Qi let her go as if nothing had happened.

Probably because Mo Xiangnuan had a too pure understanding of the relationship between the two, so he didn't think much about it.

Looking at this time, Han Qi sent Mo Xiangnuan to the door of his house.

 She asked Han Qi: "Will you go home with me?"

Han Qi shook his head, "No, I'll send you back and I'm leaving."

 “Where are you going so late?”

 “I want to go back to my home too.”

 “Does it have to be now?”


Looking at his arrogant look, Mo Xiangnuan knew that he had made a decision, so he didn't hold back too much and only told him to pay attention to safety on the road.

“Well, remember to send me a message when you get home.”


Mo Xiangnuan waved his hand, while Han Qi held his hands motionless.

Seeing Mo Xiangnuan take two steps forward, Han Qi suddenly stretched out his hand to pull him back, and at the same time took out his mobile phone.

 “What are you doing?”

 “Take a photo.”

Turning his phone to the front camera, Han Qi put his hand on Mo Xiangnuan's head to straighten her. They both faced the camera at the same time, and Han Qi quickly pressed the OK button.

 Easy to take a photo together!

This wave of smooth operations was so fast that Mo Xiangnuan was not ready yet. She rushed for her phone, "Show me."

 But Han Qi is taller than her, and she can't reach it as long as she raises the phone.

Mo Xiangnuan even jumped up to grab it, but Han Qi refused to let her go, and even grabbed her hands to stop her behavior.

 “Don’t worry, it looks good.”

 He had seen the photo just now. Although it was a snapshot, it was very real and he liked it very much.

“Okay, Mo Xiaonuan, it’s time to go home.”

 “Show me.”

 “I will send it to you when I get back.”

 “Really? You didn’t lie to me?”

 “Yeah, I promise.”

 “Okay, okay…”

Mo Xiaonuan looked back three times in one step and said, "You must send it to me."

Han Qi watched Mo Xiangnuan walk in until her back disappeared from sight.

 Looking at the time display on his mobile phone, Han Qi took a taxi to the station outside.

He returned to Hanzhai very late, but he didn't expect that Han Xingye was still waiting for him.

 “Dad, it’s so late and you still can’t sleep.”

“You left the house early in the morning to go to City S and came back so late. What were you doing?”


 “I’ve never seen you play like this.”

Han Qi shrugged, "I'm leaving tomorrow. Say goodbye to my friends."

Han Xingye raised his eyes and stared at him, asking: "Are you going to see Nuan Nuan?"

Han Qi asked in surprise: "How do you know?"

 “You brat, do I still know what you’re thinking?”

Han Xingye discovered yesterday that Han Qi had booked a ticket to City S for today. He was curious and wanted to ask why, but as a reasonable father, he finally held back.

He just wanted to see what his son was going to do when he went to S city at this time. Unexpectedly, he ran back obediently at night.

Since we said we were meeting a friend, it must be Mo Xiangnuan!

"Okay, okay, you're smart. I'm going to find Mo Xiaonuan." Han Qi admitted frankly and generously to what he had done. .

Han Xingye raised his eyebrows, "You kid, you have been going back and forth for hours just to see her. What did you do?"

 “I just invited her to have a meal.”

 “It’s okay, kid.”

“Dad, are you kidding me? I’m exhausted today. I’m going to take a shower and go to bed. Call me tomorrow morning.”

“Go ahead and remember to check your suitcase again before going to bed to make sure you don’t miss anything important.”

 (End of this chapter)

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