My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1553: She is sick

Chapter 1553 She is sick

 Saturday, Ye Zhiruo's originally fully scheduled schedule was all canceled because...

 A sudden cold made her lack of energy and made her feel uncomfortable all the time.

Ye Weiwei felt very distressed, but if she had to wait for her cold to be cured, it would not be possible to take medicine and take an injection and it would take effect in a matter of minutes.

 “Don’t worry, Mommy, my cold is not serious.”

"How can you not be worried? It rained and cooled down two days ago. I told you to wear more clothes but you didn't listen. Now Mommy is really worried."

"It's okay." Ye Zhiruo held Ye Weiwei's hand to comfort her.

Ye Ziwei stayed by her side and didn’t go anywhere.

“I have asked for leave from today’s dance class, and other things have been cancelled. Good news for you, Ruoruo.”

 “Thank you, Mommy, I know.”

Ye Zhiruo was the only one who had to lie down and rest. The quilt covered her tightly, leaving only one head exposed.

Mo Xiangnuan poured a glass of warm water for Ye Zhiruo, "Sister, would you like some water?"

At the same time as Ye Zhiruo stood up, Ye Weiwei took the cup from Mo Xiangnuan's hand and said, "Come on, give it to me."

 The relationship during illness was still warm.

Ye Zhiruo suddenly thought of something when she saw Mo Xiangnuan, "Mommy, isn't there a banquet tonight? I definitely won't be able to go like this, so why not let Nuan Nuan go?"

"Huh? Me?" Mo Xiangnuan was shocked when he heard Ye Zhiruo's suggestion! What is she going to do...

Both Xiao Ye Zhiruo and Ye Yiwei looked at her with expectant eyes, making her even embarrassed to say rejection.

Mo Xiangnuan blinked and closed his mouth tightly.

Ye Zhiruo feels that it’s almost done!

  "Nuan Nuan did not refuse but agreed. I want to tell Daddy the good news!"

“Baby, lie down first, and I’ll call your daddy right now.”

Ye Zhiruo and Ye Weiwei's mother and daughter singing together really coaxed Mo Xiangnuan away, and now he can't refuse.

 If Ye Zhiruo said he wanted to sleep, Ye Yiwei would take Mo Xiangnuan out and not disturb him again.

"Nuan Nuan, do you still like the dress yesterday? Try it on."

 “Hmm…Okay, okay, wait a minute, Mommy.”

Mo Xiangnuan went inside to change clothes, and when he took the clothes, his heart began to beat.

 Should she appear instead of Ye Zhiruo? But she had never been to such an occasion, and when she thought about it, she felt a little scared, a little timid and wanted to retreat.

"But my sister is sick..." The family is so kind to her. As a member of the family, how can she shrink back when they are in need.

 After thinking about it, Mo Xiangnuan put on his little dress and went out to show Ye Weiwei.

Ye Weiwei's eyes were full of joy when he saw it, "It's so beautiful. My baby looks really good in this dress."


 “Of course!”

 Although he was praised by his mother, Mo Xiangnuan was still very happy to hear it.

They all know that Mo Xiangnuan is a little afraid of this kind of thing. They couldn't bear to force her before. Since she agreed this time, she must seize the opportunity to let Mo Xiangnuan get in touch with more outside things!

 In the afternoon, Ye Xichen came to pick him up personally.

When Mo Xiangnuan got into the car, she was still wrapped in the white coat that Ye Weiwei had given her. Ye Xichen glanced at it and praised it without hesitation, "It's very beautiful."

 “Thank you, Daddy.”

Mo Xiangnuan thanked Nuan shyly, not daring to speak much along the way.

 Ye Xichen told her some general precautions.

 (End of this chapter)

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