My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1554: banquet

Chapter 1554 Banquet

Mo Xiangnuan became very nervous when he was about to arrive at his destination, and his hands and feet were shaking.

Although it was not obvious, Ye Xichen noticed it.

"Do not be afraid."

Ye Xichen often held Mo Xiangnuan's hand, and the warm big palm wrapped around her felt like she felt a lot more secure.

Mo Xiangnuan followed Ye Xichen cautiously.

Many people use banquets and other occasions to get to know more business partners. As Ye Xichen is the most influential entrepreneur in S City, many people eagerly come to him to swipe their face card. If he can If Ye Xichen negotiates a cooperation, it will be a win-win situation for the big company, and it will be an excellent opportunity for the small company to turn around!

Ye Xichen brings the same number of people with him to the banquet every time, either assistants, wives, sons and daughters. It will definitely not be like some people who have different female companions at every banquet.

But tonight Xichen brought a little girl with a face they had never seen before.

 Others were making speculations after seeing this, wondering what the relationship between this girl and Ye Xichen was.

A few years ago, there was a lot of news about Ye Jia's recovery of her youngest daughter. However, because Mo Xiangnuan was too low-key and never showed up in public, everyone had little impression of her and almost forgot about her in the past few years!

What's more, Mo Xiangnuan looks much smaller than Ye Qingfeng and Ye Zhiruo, who they often see.

 “Who is that little girl?”

“That’s right, I’ve never seen it before.”

“I don’t know which family’s child is actually able to follow the director of Ye’s Group.”

 “No one knows about it?”

Those who didn’t dare to ask directly stood by and made speculations.

Someone came to toast Ye Xichen with a wine glass. When he mentioned Mo Xiangnuan, Ye Xichen introduced him to everyone calmly, "My daughter, Mo Xiangnuan."

“Oh, it turns out he is Mr. Chen’s daughter. This child is really handsome.”

Who doesn’t know how to flatter Mo Xiangnuan? Just based on Ye Xichen’s one-sentence introduction, others would not dare to look down on Mo Xiangnuan.

Some people even had their sights set on her, but Ye Xichen always took Mo Xiangnuan with her wherever she went or whatever she did. She protected her closely so that no one else could get a chance to get in touch with her.

"It seems that this person named Mo Xiangnuan has a good background, and he is so favored."

"Hey...a few years ago, wasn't it said that the Ye family had found a daughter who had been missing for many years? Could it be this one?"

 “But her surname is Mo?”

“Isn’t that right? Maybe it’s because I didn’t change my name.”

Ye Xichen's superficial identity is a descendant of the Ye family, and together with the Moh family, they have concealed their true relationship. Others can only rely on guesswork and do not know the true depth of the relationship between Ye Xichen and the Moh family.

Mo Xiangnuan was very nervous when she came to such an occasion for the first time, but because Ye Xichen was by her side, she could feel free to look around.

 Everyone inside and outside was dressed up gorgeously, which made her feel like she had entered a different world.

Mo Xiangnuan followed Ye Xichen and saw people constantly coming to talk to Ye Xichen, often making her a topic of conversation. Mo Xiangnuan was not very used to this.

She stared at the fruits and food at the banquet and smashed them in her mouth.

 “Have you drunk?” Ye Xichen always paid attention to her thoughts.

Mo Xiangnuan nodded honestly.

 “There’s something nearby, you can go get it.”

 “Yeah.” Mo Xiangnuan nodded heavily.

At this moment, she finally let go of Ye Xichen's hand.

 Although she was a little scared, she still went to get the food alone.

 (End of this chapter)

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