My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1555: true and false friends

Chapter 1555 True and False Friends

Mo Xiangnuan started to get confused when he saw the food. He didn't know which one to take first.

"this is delicious."

 Suddenly a plate was passed in front of me, and there was one more person.

Mo Xiangnuan blinked and looked at the person, she was a young girl.

 Looks like he is only seventeen or eighteen years old.

 The girl greeted Mo Xiangnuan familiarly and introduced herself, "Hello, my name is Yu Meihui, and the boss of Yu's Electrical Appliances is my father."

With half a sentence of name and half a sentence of identity, Yu Meihui looks a little proud in everything she says and does.

 There are two types of proud people, one is self-confidence in one’s own abilities, and the other is excessive narcissism about oneself…

So far, Mo Xiangnuan doesn’t know which kind Yu Meihui is.

"Hello, my name is Mo Xiangnuan, and I am..." Mo Xiangnuan was a little nervous. It would be weird to identify himself like Yu Meihui did.

Yu Meihui suddenly smiled and said, "I know you are the daughter of Mr. Chen of the Ye Group."

"Yeah! Yeah." Mo Xiangnuan was not good at dealing with strangers, so she didn't know what to say to Meihui.

Yu Meihui, on the other hand, seemed full of energy and kept introducing these delicious things to her.

Yu Meihui will also ask some questions, "Have you been to this kind of banquet before? I don't think I have seen you before."

Mo Xiangnuan shook his head and told her honestly, "Today is also my first time here."

"Is that so?" Yu Meihui rolled her eyes as if she had thought of something new.

 “Do you know what these things are?”

 “Let’s know something.”

 The things Yu Meihui recommended to her were indeed delicious and just in line with her taste. But so far, her impression of Meihui is average, because she can feel that Yu Meihui is showing something intentionally or unintentionally when talking to her...

 What are you showing off?

Yu Meihui said that the food here is delicious, but Mo Xiangnuan did not deny it, because the food she had tasted was richer than these!

 But Mo Xiangnuan didn't say anything.

Mo Xiangnuan eats a small amount, and he doesn't feel hungry after eating a little.

Yu Meihui stayed with her patiently and chatted, but in fact Mo Xiangnuan didn't respond much.

After all, people want to talk to her. Even if she doesn't like it, there is no need to get into trouble in this situation. Anyway, there will be no next time after seeing her once.

“Hey Xiang Nuan, I want to ask you a more personal question, okay?”


"Are you the... daughter they said they found from outside?"

"Yeah." This is actually not a shameful thing for Mo Xiangnuan. She should be lucky that God is not kind to her and she is never afraid when facing these problems casually.

It's just that Yu Meihui was a little concerned when she heard this, and even comforted her, "It's okay. Although we are latecomers, as long as we work hard, we can become like others."


“Yes, let me tell you a secret quietly. In fact, I just returned to the Yu family not long ago, and I have been living outside.”

 “Ah? Have you ever been lost before?”

“That’s not true, but because of family issues, I had just returned home not long ago. Many people looked down on me at that time, but I just wanted to become even more powerful to show them!”

 “Is that so? Come on.”

“Since we are so destined, can we be friends in the future?”

"Well..." Mo Xiangnuan saw the hopeful look in Yu Meihui's eyes, and she nodded, "Yeah."

 (End of this chapter)

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