My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1557: You can not

Chapter 1557 You can’t

Mo Xiangnuan kept Ye Weiwei's words in mind. She began to observe Yu Meihui's hobbies and listen to what Yu Meihui said.

She heard Yu Meihui complaining that her mobile phone was always stuck recently, so she thought of buying a mobile phone for Yu Meihui.

Just when Mo Xiangnuan started to buy gifts, Han Qi, who was thousands of miles away, unexpectedly played a video.

 Mo Xiangnuan thought he had made a mistake, so he didn’t answer the call at first, but Han Qi still didn’t give up. After calling a few more times, Mo Xiangnuan naturally got through.

As soon as the video was connected, Mo Xiangnuan pointed the camera directly at the ceiling without showing his face.

On the other hand, Han Qi’s face is all in the shot. I have to admit, it’s really pretty!

"Hello? Hey, Mo Xiaonuan, where are you?"

Han Qi is still the same Han Qi, and his tone is unique when he speaks.

“Mo Xiaonuan, don’t point your phone lens at the ceiling. Do you think I can’t see it?”

"Han Qi, I can hear you. You can speak softer."

 “Tenderness? Am I not gentle enough for you?”

Mo Xiangnuan was silent: "..."

 She really wanted to ask Han Qi: Does your face hurt when you say this?

However, Han Qi is a good talker, and most people will lose if they argue with him, so she would rather remain silent and let Han Qi become more courageous as he fights.

Mo Xiangnuan has a dull temper, as everyone who knows her knows. And for people like Han Qi who can't stand loneliness and talk a lot, it's impossible for the atmosphere to be peaceful when he's around.

"Mo Xiaonuan, please let me take a look at you. I haven't seen you for so long. I don't know if you have changed." Han Qi probably understood how to deal with Mo Xiangnuan, and his voice suddenly became gentle. A lot.

Mo Xiangnuan really couldn't bear it, so he raised his phone to face him and complied with Han Qi's request.

This time she also clearly saw Han Qi's appearance.

“Mo Xiaonuan, I wonder if you have gained weight recently?”

"Yes? Yes?" Mo Xiangnuan subconsciously touched his face, and heard a laugh coming from the phone.

 This is Han Qi’s successful smile!

Mo Xiangnuan stared at his expression and reacted instantly, "Han Qi, you lied to me again!"

Now she even wants to go along the network cable and hit someone!

Han Qi laughed loudly across from him and seemed to be very satisfied with Mo Xiangnuan's reaction.

"Mo Xiaonuan, you are too funny. With your small body, no one can call you fat."

Han Qi said this just to appease Mo Xiangnuan, because he was afraid that she would hang up the phone if she couldn't think about it.

But such unconscious words were actually more provocative than deliberate lies. Mo Xiangnuan instantly couldn't remember the reason why he was angry just a moment ago. After all, which girl doesn't like to hear others complimenting herself for not being fat?

“Han Qi, you suddenly called me via video, do you want to see me for something?”

 “It’s okay.”

 “Is everything okay?” Why does this sound so perfunctory and unbelievable?

 “Oh, now that I think about it, something really happened.”


“Long time no see, I miss you very much, so I just wanted to make a video call to see you.”

 “Real or false?” This reason was so smooth that she felt that nothing Han Qi said was credible.

 “Why don’t you believe it?”

 “You, you always make fun of me.”

“Tsk, Mo Xiaonuan, are you an idiot? You can’t even tell the difference between a joke and the truth.”

“I am willing to face every friend with a sincere attitude and remember every word they say, but you can’t!”

 (End of this chapter)

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