My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1558: What should I do if you are cheated?

Chapter 1558 What should I do if you are cheated?

"I can not???"

Hang Qi was not happy to hear this!

“Mo Xiaonuan, have you ever heard of the saying that it’s okay to say you can’t do anything, but never say that a man can’t do it?”

 “You are not a man.”

 “Hey, I’m so grumpy!”

Han Qi was about to explode, but Mo Xiaonuan chuckled.

"Mo Xiaonuan, have you grown up? You are the one who is not good at it. Let me tell you, Mo Xiaonuan is too stupid and easily deceived!"

 “You’re stupid.” Look, a little girl with weak attack power can’t even yell at someone.

“Mo Xiaonuan, what will you do if you are really cheated one day?”

Mo Xiaonuan vowed: "No."

Han Qi just wanted to say: "Yes! After all, you are stupid."

Mo Xiangnuan: "???" Have you ever seen anyone praise someone like this? What kind of magical operation is this?

 “Han Qi, don’t underestimate me!”

"Mo Xiaonuan, you have to understand that I'm not looking down on you, I'm worried about you."

 “There is no need to worry about this. I will not be cheated.”

 Although it is possible to be deceived, it is impossible to be deceived! She just wanted to play this word game with Han Qi.

"Okay, you are stubborn, don't cry and ask me for help when the time comes."

"Why should I cry and ask you for help..." Even if she is really cheated, wouldn't the first person she looks for be her daddy, mommy or brother or sister? Could it be that a voice or video call to Han Qi from across the sky would solve the problem?

“Mo Xiaonuan, are you stupid?”

 “You are stupid!”

“Forget it, it doesn’t make sense to tell you. Tell me, have you encountered anything interesting recently?”

"Fun things." Mo Xiangnuan thought for a while, and what troubled her the most recently was the matter about Yu Meihui, so she replied: "I made a new friend recently."

“What kind of friend you are? Let me tell you what kind of friend you are. I’ll check it for you.”

"She's just a very enthusiastic girl. She said she wanted to be friends with me, but I felt like I had a problem with myself and was a bit repelled." I don't know why, although Han Qi always teased her, but when Han Qi asked a question, She always told him honestly.

"how did you guys meet?"

“Dad took me to a banquet last time. We met at the banquet, and coincidentally, she also goes to the same school as me!” Coincidences often add to people’s impressions.

 Mo Xiangnuan lacks experience in contact with people, so her ideas are relatively simple, but Han Qi is different, he will make many guesses because of this.

“Mo Xiaonuan, making friends with people depends on fate..."

"Hmm, I think we are quite destined. By the way, I was just about to buy her a gift. I found out that she recently said that she had a problem with her mobile phone. She didn't know what to give her, so she planned to give her a mobile phone. Do you think it's okay? ?”


Mo Xiangnuan's words made Han Qi hold back some of the things he wanted to say.

Mo Xiangnuan really wanted to make friends. If he told Mo Xiangnuan now that maybe that friend came with a purpose because of her identity, Mo Xiangnuan would definitely feel uncomfortable.

Although he usually likes to tease her, he doesn't want her to be unhappy.

“Han Qi, do you think it’s okay to give me a mobile phone?”

 “It’s too expensive…”

"It's a bit expensive, but the gifts mommy gives are much more expensive than this."

“But didn’t Aunt Qiao give you the money? You have to earn your own money to give gifts to be sincere.”

 (End of this chapter)

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