My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 156: An Nguyen informs

Chapter 156 An Ruan informs

An Ruan caught her pouring the medicine away, and at that moment, Ye Wei was a little frightened.

But she was just stunned for a moment and then pouted, "The medicine is so bitter. I drank half of it and couldn't drink it and then... fell down. Ruan Ruan, can you not tell other people?"

"Okay." An Ruan came in and only saw Ye Weiyi pouring out the medicine, and didn't know how much she poured out. He thought Ye Weiyi was so honest, so he didn't doubt her story.

Ye Xichen came back with the candy soon. When he saw the empty bowl on the table, he casually asked: "Have you finished drinking?"


 Perhaps due to a guilty conscience, Ye Weiwei's reaction was a little more excited.

Ye Xichen did not pursue the issue and gave her one candy, "Don't eat more."

 “Hmm, I know!”

An Ruan witnessed the whole process of Ye Xichen's considerate care of Ye Weiwei from the side. He felt more and more that this man was handsome and gentle. He was simply the embodiment of the perfect male protagonist in the novel!

The second grade of junior high school is the age when little girls first have their love interest.

 When you meet such a good man, you will easily fall in love with him.

In order to perform well in front of Ye Xichen, An Ruan "served" Ye Weiyi in various ways. She rushed to do everything like pouring water and cutting fruits.

 The only thing I felt bad about was Ye Ye, who kept saying no, but An Ruan just couldn't calm down.

Ye Weiwei was quite touched at first, but gradually she discovered that An Ruan would prepare one for Ye Xichen every time he asked her if she wanted something, smiled sweetly at him, and... always peeked at Ye Xichen from time to time. .

Ye Yiyi's heart skipped a beat as he bit into the apple, and he didn't know how to taste it.

 Slowly, An Ruan's focus began to shift from caring about Ye Weiwei to talking to Ye Xichen.

Ye Xichen basically ignored her, but she still acted enthusiastically, as if she couldn't understand other people's scorn.

 Ye only threw the apple and made two "cough cough" sounds.

Ye Xichen was already standing beside her, "What, do you want some water?"

“No need, my throat is just a little itchy.” She shook her head and touched her throat.

“Drink some warm water to moisten your throat.”

Ye Xichen couldn't help but hand her the warm water prepared beside him. Ye Weiwei took it with a smile and drank more than half of the water cup.

  Seemingly satisfied, she narrowed her eyes and smiled slightly, like a successful fox.


 When did this word become used to describe the only thing in the night? She is obviously a little sheep.

In the afternoon, Ye Xichen received a call and went out. An Ruan no longer wanted to chat awkwardly with Ye Weiyi anymore, so he stood up and waved goodbye to her, "I'm going home today. Take good care of yourself."

An Ruan spoke with concern, and Ye Wei accepted her kindness.

When An Ruan went out, the nurse came in with the second medicine of the day, and the two of them passed each other.

An Ruan walked out with a shoulder bag and pressed the elevator button. When the elevator door was about to open, she seemed to think of something and suddenly fell back.

This time, An Ruan did not push the door open directly and call for someone. Instead, he stood outside and quietly opened a gap.

 Her eyes widened in surprise.

She clearly saw Ye Weiwei throw away all the complete medicines, and some pills, which were also destroyed and thrown into the trash can.

Ye Weiwei said it was bitter, but he threw away the pills too.

 She didn’t take any medicine at all!

An Ruan closed the door, pretending that he didn't know what was going on, and left the ward door with complicated thoughts.

So it turns out that Ye Weiwei is not as obedient as she appears, and is she deliberately being petty?

An Ruan smiled, looked around, and finally walked to Ye Xichen.

"Well, Brother Ye, I want to tell you something. I just saw..."

Have you ever seen someone say that Ye Weiwei pretended to be sick? Can you guess whether it is true or false?



 (End of this chapter)

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