My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 157: Admit it personally: He is my boyfriend

Chapter 157 Personally admitted: He is my boyfriend

An Ruan walked to Ye Xichen and spoke with a smile.

They had no idea that Ye Weiwei was standing at the other corner, watching the two of them intently.

 Ye’s only hand was on the cold wall tiles, slowly tightening.

 “Hey, why did you come out?”

The nurse passing by saw the little girl in hospital clothes and couldn't help but ask more.

Ye Weiyi hurriedly turned around and smiled shyly at the nurse sister, "It's so stuffy in there. I just wanted to come out for a walk. I'll be back soon."

Ye Weiwei slowly walked back to his ward, looking down at every step he took.

 At this time, if anyone is around her, they will find that although the night is just as quiet, it looks completely different from the innocent and harmless person she usually is.

I don’t know why, but the next day after the infusion and “medication”, my condition worsened.

Ye Xichen angrily yelled at her attending doctor.

Ye Weiwei cooperated with the doctor's treatment extremely obediently. Although the injections and other injections hurt, she bit her lip and remained silent.

Ye Xichen sat next to her and held her back, coaxing her in a soft voice, "Cry when it hurts."

 Crying occasionally is also a good way to vent and distract.

  But Ye Weiwei shook his head and did not cry, "I used to be laughed at because I cried a lot. I have to work hard to grow up and I can't cry anymore."

"You shouldn't shed tears easily in front of others, but you don't have to hide your emotions in front of me." Ye Xichen lowered his head and whispered in her ear, and his gentle breath surrounded him, giving people an extremely reassuring feeling.

Ye Weiwei pursed his lips and mumbled with his bitten red lips: "Really? Don't you dislike me?"

Ye Xichen quietly inserted his fingers into her black and smooth hair, and said in a doting tone, "You can cry in my arms."

 “Brother Chen, you are so kind.”

  She did not cry, but instead smiled as if she had eaten honey.

The nurse who was giving the injection silently ate a pot full of dog food: “…”

 In her spare time, the nurse sister told another nurse on duty about something she encountered while giving an injection in the ward.

"Let me tell you, those kids nowadays really don't understand. They both look young, but they are very rich and live in the VIP ward. I felt like I was being shown off even after the injection today. That boy is so doting on the little girl. sharp."

 “Maybe it’s the brother and sister.”

“I don’t think so. The two people have different names, and their appearance is not similar at all. How can I say that they feel like a couple when they get along?”

 The other nurse mouthed "Oh" and nodded.

 “He’s my boyfriend!”

A voice came out suddenly from the side, and the two nurses reflexively put away their mobile phones and were startled.

  Turning his head to look, he found that the protagonist he was talking about magically appeared next to him.

He also explained to them, "He is not my brother, he is my boyfriend."


I don’t know why the little girl emphasized this topic. The nurse would never dare to offend the patients in the VIP ward.

“Miss Qiao, I’m sorry, we didn’t mean to talk about you behind your back.” The nurse apologized repeatedly.

"It doesn't matter." Ye Weiwei smiled sweetly at them. At first glance, she looked really innocent. "I just heard my sisters talking and told you the truth."

 “Yes, yes, we remember.”

Ye Weiyi's smile did not diminish. He looked up unintentionally and saw An Ruan coming from a distance.

 Ye Weiwei turned around and said, "Sister nurse, can you do me a favor?"

I heard that you like blackened bells very much? Actually... I really like Chinese Valentine's Day, and I feel it's so cool to write the dark version!

   Do you want the little bell to be blackened?



 (End of this chapter)

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