My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 158: A patient named Qiao Lian

Chapter 158 A patient named Qiao Lian

An Ruan brought a bouquet of flowers when she came. She wanted to leave a good impression in front of Ye Xichen.

But this time when she was about to enter the VIP ward, she was stopped by the nurse outside the door.

"who are you looking for?"

“I’m looking for a patient named Qiao Ling from Ward 140.”

The two nurses looked at each other. The nurse sitting behind the desk pretended to flip through the notebook and said to An Ruan: "I'm sorry, the person you are looking for has been discharged from the hospital."


An Ruan frowned. She didn't expect that Ye Weiwei had left.

“Yes, the discharge procedures were completed this morning.”

The nurse said so, and An Ruan had no reason to doubt it. She walked aside and called Ye Weiyi, but no one answered the voice reply.

Unable to find anyone, An Ruan could only return in despair.

After An Ruan left, Ye Weiyi walked out slowly in hospital clothes with an indifferent expression, not feeling guilty at all for deceiving his "friend".

 Because, she knew that An Ruan came back secretly yesterday, but she still let An Ruan witness her destroying all the medicine.

 Because she is not afraid to let An Ruan know!

  When I walked up to the two nurses that night, I raised my head, and a simple smile appeared on my round face, "Thank you, sister, I'm really sorry."

“It’s okay, people with ulterior motives should stay away.”

"Yeah." Ye Weiwei narrowed his eyes, nodded and walked back.

 While walking, I stared at my toes, with the scene just now echoing in my mind.

She told the nurse herself that she and Ye Xichen were childhood sweethearts, and An Ruan was the one who wanted to cause trouble in the name of visiting her.

These two are young nurses with very open-minded ideas. They have no idea of ​​​​putting an end to premature love in children, so they helped her.

 Ye's only seriousness about relationships is limited to "I like Ye Xichen", so she can't clearly tell who likes her or who others like.

 However, all things that might hinder her and Ye Xichen must be nipped in the embryo!

 It is true that she is sick, it is true that she has a fever, and it is true that she poured medicine!

She enjoyed having Ye Xichen by her side for the past two days. She would rather feel uncomfortable for a while, so that Ye Xichen would not have a cold war with her and would be very gentle to her...very gentle.

 When a character that has been suppressed for a long time is stimulated one after another, one becomes extremely possessive of the one he loves, which is paranoid and extreme.

Ye Youwei felt that she might be going crazy because she found: "It seems that I can't control myself anymore."

 Once people who have been weak for a long time fight back, they often do things beyond ordinary people's expectations.

 But fortunately, she still has concerns.

 For example, when Ye Xichen is present...

Ye Yiwei couldn't always find an excuse to ask Ye Xichen to leave every time he drank medicine. In the next two days, Ye Xichen watched her drink the medicine with his own eyes, and Ye Yiwei's complexion finally improved.

 In fact, she still had a way to keep herself sick, but when she saw Ye Xichen accompanying her day and night while studying hard and doing work in the ward, she felt very distressed.

I put my caution away and cooperated with the treatment, and the cold was cured quickly.

Ye Xichen went to pick her up from the hospital. He was afraid that she would be too bored staying in the hospital for the past two days, so he didn't drive at all and just led people to walk on the road.

Ye Weiwei regained his energy, holding Ye Xichen's hand and jumping around like a lively little rabbit.

Suddenly he jumped in front of Ye Xichen, raised his head and smiled at him, "Brother Chen, shall we go buy hairpins?"

Preview of the next chapter: Ye Xichen discovers some "unspeakable" things that Ye Weiyi has done~



 (End of this chapter)

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