My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 159: Pamper you (sweet)

Chapter 159: Pamper You (Sweet)

"You want to issue a card?" Ye Xichen couldn't help but think of the cherry card issue.

Ye Weiwei's eyes were clear, "Yes, brother Chen, are you still reluctant to give me a hairpin?"

"How could it be?" Ye Xichen squeezed her weak and boneless hand skillfully, with soft eyes.

Ye Xichen could refuse Ye Weiyi's request?

Ye Xichen took Ye Weiwei to choose hairpins. The hair accessories area was about a wall area of ​​3 meters long and 1 meter wide. The various types of hairpins were dazzling.

But Ye Weiwei looked at it twice from left to right, but he didn't stop looking at any hairpin for more than three seconds.

Ye Xichen hugged her shoulders affectionately, with a hint of joking at the corner of his mouth, "Why, don't you like her?"

Ye Weiwei opened his lips and shook his head silently.

Ye Xichen laughed dumbly, but the little girl's eyes became more critical.

However, he liked Ye Weiyi's current personality with her own ideas, so he took the trouble to accompany her to the second and third stores.

 But Ye Yiwei still hasn’t found one he’s satisfied with.

Ye Xichen was not impatient at all.

 “Then look at another company.”

Ye Weiyi lowered his eyes, and he didn't know what he was doing to make a point, and he had to torment Ye Xichen.

 She shook her head and said: "Forget it."

Ye Weiyi took the lead and turned towards the door. Ye Xichen held her hand tightly and pulled her back.

Ye Ziyi fell back into Ye Xichen's arms unprepared.

Just when she was about to struggle, Ye Xichen lowered his head and whispered in her ear: "Don't move."

 Ye Weiwei suddenly froze and didn’t move.

 Suddenly I felt the long hair on my head being lifted up, one strand, two strands...

Ye Xichen expertly braided a simple knot above her left ear, and then fixed it with a blue hairpin.

 After completing the simple work, Ye Xichen took two steps back, put his fingers on his chin and chuckled, "Well, it's very beautiful."

"This is…"

“I bought it when you were shopping at the first one.” Ye Xichen’s appreciation level is also very good.

 The reason why he didn't take it out was because he wanted to wait for the one that suited his wishes first, but now, it was just right.

Ye Youwei walked to the full-length mirror in disbelief and touched the blue hairpin pinned behind the editor-style hair knot on the left side. The crimson color covered her fair neck and spread to her cheeks.

The blue hairpin is mainly made of transparent glass beads, extending out from two tassels woven with extremely fine blue ice silk thread, and decorated with two small and exquisite bells at the end.

 The tassels will swing slightly when walking, and the sound made by the small bells is very small, which is beautiful but does not make unnecessary noise.

She looked delighted, "Did you give it to me specially?"

Ye Xichen snorted softly and asked, "Could there be anyone else?"

 “Brother, you are so kind!”

She didn't care that this was a public place, she hugged Ye Xichen's neck and nuzzled into his warm embrace.

 “After shopping for so long, it’s time to go home.”

Ye Xichen sent her home and personally supervised her taking the medicine. Ye Weiwei found it bitter, but she forgot to bring the candy she bought at the hospital...

 “It’s so bitter, I don’t want to drink it.”

"Not negotiable."

"Ah! I remembered, there is still candy in my room! It seems that Liuli gave it to me last time."

 “I’ll get it for you.”

Ye's only plan was to throw away the medicine when Ye Xichen left. This time, because she had already drank more than half of it, it was not to delay her illness.

 Ye Weiwei only said that there was candy in the room. He thought it was on the table, but didn't see it.

Ye Xichen opened the desk drawer and paused.

  guess what Brother Chen will find in the drawer?



 (End of this chapter)

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