My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 160: Hairpins in the drawer (nervous)

Chapter 160 Hairpin in the drawer (nervous)

 Ye Xichen opened Ye's only drawer.

 In the drawer, there is a candy with a bow tied at the front, but a little further back... there is a transparent cherry blossom pink ziplock bag containing a broken cherry hairpin.

 Two round cherry beads, half of which is still whole and the other half has been shattered.

 It can be seen that someone deliberately sabotaged it.


 The door of the room was suddenly pushed open.

Ye Weiyi happened to see Ye Xichen closing the desk drawer when he rushed in panting with his hand on his chest.

 She had an eager look on her face.

Ye Xichen turned around and handed her the lollipop with a bow tie, "I found your candy."

Ye Xichen still smiled at her, his eyes were the same as usual, as if nothing had happened.

Ye Weiwei didn't know if he had seen the destroyed hairpin. She blinked and breathed a little heavily.

 “How did you run up here?”

“Hmm... I suddenly remembered that I put it in the drawer, I was afraid Brother Chen wouldn’t find it.”

She pursed her lips to explain to Ye Xichen the reason why she rushed in, but it was not the truth.

 The real reason is: She suddenly remembered that the destroyed cherry hairpin was also placed in the drawer. If it was discovered...

“Brother Chen, did you only find this candy? Is there anything else?” She made innuendo.

“Oh? Is there more than one?” Ye Xichen pretended to open the drawer.

  Ye Weiwei quickly ran over and held it down.

 “No, no need, just one is enough.”

"Yeah." Ye Xichen touched her head, "Don't eat too many candies. You need to rest for a while. I'll go to the kitchen to prepare lunch for you."

“Yeah, I like the food made by my brother the most!” The corners of her lips were raised, her dimples were shallow, and her eyebrows were arched in a smile.

After Ye Xichen left the room, the smile on Ye Weiyi's face disappeared completely, replaced by solemnity.

She opened the drawer and saw that the inner part of the drawer was covered by several pieces of colored cardboard.

  Opening the cardboard, you will find that the ziplock bag containing the cherry hairpin is sandwiched in the center.


She forgot how she put it in, but since it was sandwiched in the middle, Ye Xichen must not have noticed it.

 The only time to relax at night.

She ran to the kitchen, looked at Ye Xichen's busy back, and took the initiative to "ask Ying" for help.

Ye Xichen pushed the person away directly, "Have a good rest, my skills are better than yours."

 “I can also make delicious food!” Ye Weiwei puffed up his cheeks unconvinced.

These days, she likes to study cooking when she is alone at home. As for the last time she told Su Yichen that she didn't know how to cook, it was entirely because she didn't want to do it.

 But no matter what, Ye Xichen will not let Ye Weiyi do anything here.

 “But I want to be here with you.”

 “Go to the door.”

  I don’t want her to be exposed to the smell of cooking fumes.


 Ye Weiwei was very obedient at this time.

Ye Xichen turned his back to her, and the expression on his face was not as calm as he said.

 The object in the hospital, the card in the drawer.

He was certain that Ye only knew about the cherry hairpin, and the hairpin in her drawer was most likely the one Li Moer lost.

 While eating, Ye Weiwei **** her hair and carefully put the blue hairpin aside.

“Do you like this hairpin?” Ye Xichen asked casually.

Ye Weiwei nodded firmly, "Of course! It's from my brother!"

 “What if I give it to someone else?”


Ye Weiwei's expression suddenly changed, and he pressed the chopsticks he just picked up heavily on the table.

It’s over, it’s over~

Do you think Xiaolingdang will fall out with Brother Chen?



 (End of this chapter)

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