My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 161: Contact a psychiatrist

Chapter 161 Contact a psychiatrist

 “Bang!” Ye Weiwei slammed his chopsticks on the table and grimaced on the spot.

This sudden move caught both of them by surprise.

Ye Xichen's eyes were as bright as fire, and he looked at her with scrutiny and a slight sense of strangeness.

 Ye couldn't stand the look in his eyes, and the left fingers on her left knee tightened more and more.

 While the atmosphere was solemn, Ye Xichen's cell phone vibrated on the table.

Ye's only gaze was looking for the sound, but Ye Xichen's eyes didn't leave her for even a moment, and he even said to her without any scruples: "Answer the phone for me."

Everyone knows each other's password, and it doesn't matter if they use it as their own mobile phones. Helping Ye Xichen answer the phone is something that is familiar once and twice.

Ye Weiwei happened to go down the steps and took a closer look at his cell phone. It turned out to be Xu Tangxi calling.

 She answered the call and said hello first: "Hello."

“…” The person on the other end was silent for a moment, as if Xu Tangxi was wondering, “Sorry, I may have dialed the wrong number.”

"Wait!" Ye Weiyi hurriedly announced her name, "Sister Xu, I am Youyi."

“Oh, oh.” Xu Tangxi seemed to have just come to his senses and asked where Ye Xichen was.

Ye Weiwei raised his eyes and glanced at the calm man opposite, who was holding a small white porcelain bowl for soup. He didn't hand the phone back, but asked casually: "Brother is here, is there anything wrong with Sister Xu?"

 “He’s with you, why doesn’t he answer the phone?”

Ye Weiwei put on an innocent face and explained: "Brother asked me to help him pick up..."

 She just chose to be an obedient child and did not answer the phone randomly on purpose.

 “Then do you have anything going on now?”

 “Well, I’m eating.”

"We made an appointment to play a game together before. Ask him why he broke the appointment!" Xu Tangxi suddenly became angry.

The only thing Ye did was make a move, and finally he was willing to return the phone.

I don’t know what Xu Tangxi said to Ye Xichen after that, but Ye Xichen only replied: “I won’t fight today.”

Ye Weiyi was in a mood. She guessed that Ye Xichen's missing appointment had something to do with her, but he never mentioned it.

 Not long after, Ye Weiwei also received a text message from Nangong Luo, roaring and begging, "Sister Weiwei, please persuade the boss to come to the game."

Since it was Nangong Luo who asked for help, she would naturally not refuse.

 But even if she said it this time, Ye Xichen still refused without hesitation. After getting annoyed by his teammates, he told them directly, "I have a cold and I don't want to go out."

“Cough, cough, cough!” Ye Wei, who had just swallowed a round, almost choked.

 Hearing that Ye Xichen was ill, Nangong Luo and other teammates had to give up.

As a concerned friend, Nangong Luo suddenly made a voice message with great interest to invite Ye Weiwei to play black.

 “What? Brother Nangong wants to take me to play games?”

"of course!"

 "No, don't..." She has never been interested in games. She knows nothing about it, so she must be a fighter in the scraps of her hands!

However, Nangong Luo did not give up. He had a long talk with Ye Weiyi about the history of Ye Xichen's gaming struggles. Ye Weiyi listened very attentively.

After finishing, she walked up to Ye Xichen, put her hands on her chin, and prayed with bright eyes, "Brother Chen, can I play a game with Brother Nangong for a while?"

Her expression was joyful, her eyes were pure, and she seemed to have forgotten what she had just done.

Ye Xichen raised his eyebrows and agreed, "Okay."

Ye Weiyi happily held his mobile phone to register a Xiaobai account.

Ye Xichen's calm eyes suddenly turned cold and serious.

 He dialed Gu Chengxi’s number.

 “Contact me an authoritative psychiatrist!”

  What's your taste? Let Qixi write about sadomasochism again?



 (End of this chapter)

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