My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1575: beating heart

Chapter 1575 Heartbeat

Zhu Xing is also very good at pestering people. If you are pestered by him, you will either refuse ruthlessly or...

“Zhu Xing, you’re a big man, can you stop being so coy?”

"I don't want to either, but my sister is like this...I can't help it. Just let me beg you. I will listen to you no matter what you say in the future!"

 Zhu Xing and Ye Qingfeng met in a competition. Zhu Xing looked thin but had a good brain. Ye Qingfeng liked to communicate with people with high IQs, so they gradually got to know each other.

 This is the first time Zhu Xing has asked him for help. This is something within his ability.

 But, he still has to go back to celebrate his birthday.

“I don’t know whether your sister is controllable or not, but I want to go back now.”

Ye Qingfeng pointed at Zhu Yue on the sofa and gave Zhu Xing a look that meant he could solve it himself, leaving him with a handsome back.

As soon as one foot stepped out of the door, Zhu Xing ran over and grabbed him, "Brother, just wait a little longer."

 “Just this once, really just this once.”

 The main reason is that Zhu Xing can't handle Zhu Yue, and he doesn't dare to let his family take Zhu Yue back. Now he can only turn to Ye Qingfeng for help, so he doesn't want to let go of him.

Ye Qingfeng couldn't get away no matter what, and was pulled back by Zhu Xing.

Mo Xiangnuan called him again, "Brother, when will you be back?"

“Maybe it will be a while, what’s the situation at home now?”

“Well, daddy, mommy, godfather and godmother are having fun, and they seem to be planning to stay up all night.” Especially when Gong Qianli and Nangong Luo are around, the atmosphere is always lively.

Ye Qingfeng told Mo Xiangnuan that they couldn't go back yet. After Mo Xiangnuan answered the phone, he ran upstairs to find Bei Jiyue.

That silly girl Bei Jiyue just accepted death!

“Since Brother Feng said that people will come back after a while, they must come back. I’ll just wait.”

“But my brother didn’t say the specific time.”

“Sister Nuannuan, can you call me again?”


This time Mo Xiangnuan called Ye Qingfeng again, but he was actually doing it for Bei Jiyue.

The mobile phone was held in Bei Jiyue's hand. When she heard the sound, Bei Jiyue laughed, "When will Brother Feng come home?"

 “Probably in a while.”

 “How long will it take?”

"The specific time is not sure. Did Yue'er have fun at home?"

“It’s okay, but I prepared a gift for Brother Feng, but you didn’t even come to open the gift.”

“I’m sorry, but I’ll be back before the birthday is over to open the presents, okay?”

"Yeah!" Bei Jiyue felt much happier after hearing Ye Qingfeng's promise, and happily said to him: "Brother Feng must finish the work quickly, Yue'er is waiting for you to come back."


  Ye Qingfeng kept it in mind when he agreed to Bei Jiyue's matter.

Zhu Xingshou began to doze off after a while by the sofa.

Ye Qingfeng used her mobile phone to play with the game. Forty minutes had passed without any sense of time.

 The drunk Zhu Yue woke up in a daze and found that this was not an environment he was familiar with. When he opened his eyes, he happened to see a boy from this angle. He had a handsome face and looked very familiar!

Zhu Yue rubbed her eyes and stared straight at Ye Qingfeng.

Ye Qingfeng seemed to notice something at the same time. He raised his eyes and met Zhu Yue's eyes.

That look and sudden feeling hit people's hearts.

 (End of this chapter)

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