My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1576: It was Ye Qingfeng who carried you home

Chapter 1576 It was Ye Qingfeng who carried you home

"woke up?"

Ye Qingfeng asked, and Zhu Yue just stared at him, not even knowing what to say.

Ye Qingfeng didn’t wait and kicked Zhu Xing directly, “Zhu Xing.”

 “What’s wrong! What’s wrong! What’s wrong with my sister?”

Zhu Xing sat up immediately and looked around, looking at a loss.

Ye Qingfeng turned off her phone and stood up, "She's awake, you can figure out what happens next."

"Huh?" Zhu Xing looked back and found that his sister Zhu Yue was still lying on the sofa.

"No ah?"

 When Ye Qingfeng looked over again, Zhu Yue closed her eyes again.

"Qingfeng, don't fool me..." Zhu Xing didn't know that Zhu Yue had woken up once, so he felt that Ye Qingfeng wanted to leave. In fact, Zhu Yue didn't wake up at all.

Ye Qingfeng rolled her eyes at him and was about to sit down and play some more. Unexpectedly, Bei Jiyue called again, this time in her own name.

 “Isn’t Brother Feng coming back yet?”


“Alas, the gifts Yue’er prepared for you are all going moldy.”

"Really? Then Yue'er, can you tell me what the gift is?"

“No, you have to come back to open it yourself, but if you come back late, it will be gone.”

"Hmm? How long can Yue'er keep the gift for me?"

“Well...if Brother Feng comes back now, the gift will still be there.”

 “Okay, I’ll be back now.”

 After Ye Qingfeng answered the call, it was definitely impossible to stay any longer.

No matter what Zhu Xing said or did, Ye Qingfeng decided to leave.

“Qingfeng, didn’t we agree on one hour...”

"Who told you what to do?" Ye Qingfeng pointed to the sofa and didn't bother to care anymore.

“You can take care of your sister’s affairs by yourself. I want to go home now.”


Ye Qingfeng was determined to leave this time, and Zhu Xing did not stop him.

 When Ye Qingfeng completely disappeared from the living room, Zhu Yue, who was lying on the sofa, slowly opened her eyes and woke up.

Zhu Xing was overjoyed, "Sister, you finally woke up!"

"Who was that person just now?" Zhu Yue's expression was slightly confused, but in fact, she already had a guess in her heart and was not sure.

Zhu Xingda generously introduced the person's identity, "Ye Qingfeng, you know him. You must be drunk and confused!"

"Ye Qingfeng..." It wasn't that she was too drunk to recognize him, but she couldn't imagine that the boy would be so close to her.



 “Bless the moon!”


Zhu Xing clicked his tongue twice, "What are you thinking about? You looked like you were in a trance. I called you several times but didn't answer."

Zhu Yue shook her head, "No, it's okay. What do you want to say?"

Zhu Xing stared at her and asked, "Did you sober up so quickly?"

 Pressing her temples, Zhu Yue shook her head gently, "It seems that my head still hurts a little."

Zhu Xing breathed a sigh of relief, "That's okay, let's go back first."

Hearing what Zhu Xing said, Zhu Yue remembered to ask him, "Where is this?"

Zhu Xing explained: "This is a small apartment in Ye Qingfeng's house. Because you were drunk just now and I didn't dare to take you home, so I had to ask him for help."

 “He is so kind.” Zhu Yue couldn’t help but sigh.

Zhu Xing cooed: "'s not bad, but not everyone has such an honor. He is very picky."

 “Well, you are really narcissistic.”

“What do you mean I’m narcissistic, sister, do you know? It was Ye Qingfeng who carried you back just now!”

 (End of this chapter)

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