My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1600: Ye Qingfeng's self-blame

Chapter 1600 Ye Qingfeng’s self-blame

"It would be great if one day you could look at me like this..." she thought dreamily.

Ye Qingfeng asked "huh?" in question, and Zhu Yue realized that she had actually said what was in her heart.

 “It’s okay, it’s okay!” She quickly put away her crazy expression and waved to Ye Qingfeng.

Ye Qingfeng did not ask further questions. His eyes returned to Bei Jiyue, and he saw the little girl holding a colorful toy ball in her hand and puffing her cheeks at him, looking angry...

Ye Qingfeng instantly understood the reason for her behavior and quickly made an apology gesture to her.

Bei Jiyue returned to activities and had a great time in the competition.

When the scene is over, she will give her parents a sweet hug to express her gratitude to them, and then run to Ye Qingfeng to act like a baby, "Brother Feng, was Yue'er strong just now?"

 “Well, our Yue’er is the most powerful.”

When talking to her, Ye Qingfeng would bend down consciously, and sometimes squat on one knee. In short, it was a very loving conversation.

Zhu Yue actually felt a little bit sweet in her heart when she heard Bei Jiyue's self-proclaimed name and Ye Qingfeng's affectionate nickname for Bei Jiyue.

She is also called Yue'er, and Ye Qingfeng even praised her as a very nice name!

Thinking of this, Zhu Yue felt much better. Even if Bei Jiyue didn't give her a good look, she would still show her patience to the "unruly little princess" in front of Ye Qingfeng.

It is said that women have a very strong and accurate sixth sense, and so do little girls.

It took a while to accept Mo Xiangnuan's sudden return. At that time, she was still young and could be coaxed, but now that a stranger appeared, she really didn't want to accept it.

 Children’s minds are both simple and complex.

When he was about to go home, as a boy and having a vague relationship with Zhu Yue, plus he brought Zhu Yue here, it stands to reason that he should be a gentleman and send Zhu Yue back.

However, Bei Jiyue held his hand and refused to let him go. In order to show her generosity and tolerance, Zhu Yue also took the initiative to decline and said she would go home.

 Ye Qingfeng stopped a car for her and sent Zhu Yue away.

 Looking back at the little girl beside him, he could only sigh helplessly.

“Xiao Yue’er usually does a good job, doesn’t she? Why are you so rude today?”

Bei Jiyue said bluntly, "I don't like that person."

Ye Qingfeng opened her mouth to say something else when she heard Bei Ye's high voice coming from behind.

 “Yue’er, come here!”


Beiye pulled his daughter to his side, held her hands tightly, and made a stinky face at Ye Qingfeng, "Ye Qingfeng, you stinky boy, you brought an outsider back and started teaching my daughter a lesson? Do you think you are dissatisfied?" Just don’t put people in front of us, my daughter, Beiye, will never be wronged by you!”

He was always a handsome and domineering father in front of his daughter, but Yu Anran didn't like what he heard. He scolded Beiye a few words to calm him down, and then said a few good words to Ye Qingfeng.

"Qingfeng, don't worry too much. Your godfather has a weird temper and is as unreasonable as a bull. He blames us for doting on Yue'er too much, which makes your friend very embarrassed. I'll prepare a gift for you later. Let's apologize to her." Although Yu Anran doesn't say much, he is already very mellow in his behavior.

Hearing these very appropriate words, Ye Qingfeng felt particularly harsh.

She was obviously the little girl he pampered, and he wanted her to live a free and unrestrained life. How could he forget his original intention?

  【Here is a correct concept for everyone: as an adult man, if he expresses love to a ten-year-old lolita, that is a deformed pedophile...

Childhood sweethearts are people who are close in age and grew up together. When they were young, their so-called liking was simply liking each other, not love, but slowly getting along turned into love or family affection.

The so-called age difference is when an adult girl falls in love with an uncle who is ten years older than her. This is also possible when two adults have their own views on love.

 Do you really think it’s okay for an adult to like a ten-year-old girl? ?

Ye Qingfeng dotes on Bei Jiyue, and she really likes him, but you can't let him say love to a little loli now, can you?

Of course, Bei Jiyue will grow up, maybe then~]

 (End of this chapter)

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