My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1601: Zhu Yue joined Yejia Company

Chapter 1601 Zhu Yue enters Yejia Company

 I just didn’t expect that after this incident happened, Bei Jiyue didn’t see Ye Qingfeng for a whole week.

Besides, Yu Anran prepared a gift that day for Ye Qingfeng to give to Zhu Yue as an apology. When Ye Qingfeng gave the gift to Zhu Yue, Zhu Yue took the opportunity to propose in a joking tone: "If you have to apologize, why don't you give me a chance?" , let me study in your company for two months?”

“I was bored during the summer vacation and wanted to find a job, so I applied for your company’s assessment at that time. I was rejected because of my time, but haven’t my abilities already met your company’s standards for recruiting interns?”

 Zhu Yue has confidence in herself, which is something Ye Qingfeng appreciates.

 In fact, it is necessary to arrange for someone to join the company and play a small role as an intern. This is just a matter of one sentence.

 So, I wish you success!

In the next few days, Zhu Yue was happy and full of motivation every day. Even if the old employees would leave all the troublesome errands to her, she did not complain or flinch, because she only thought that this was Ye Qingfeng's personal nod of approval. Regarding the matter, she believed that she would be able to get what she wanted soon.

But this happiness is not mutual.

Zhu Yue was sorting out files when she suddenly heard a voice coming from next to her.

"Why is she packing her things? She hasn't gotten off work yet?"

“Oh, you don’t know yet, but Arlene was fired just now.”

 “Why so suddenly? What happened?”

“When Arlene went to deliver documents, she accidentally damaged something in the nightclub. The nightclub fired her on the spot.”

 “’s so miserable.”

“Keep your voice down, the little nightclub has been in a bad mood for the past two days. She must have been hit by a gun.”

Zhu Yue was nearby, so she listened to the conversation between the two.

She heard the key point, that is, Ye Qingfeng was in a bad mood these days. Why?

Since she had just come to the company, Zhu Yue was very careful about her words and deeds and did not go to the company to find Ye Qingfeng, let alone meet in private, so Zhu Yue did not know much about Ye Qingfeng's situation.

Zhu Yue approached and asked, "I just heard you say that the little nightclub was in a bad mood. What's going on?"

“No one knows, Xiaoye is always known for her good temper. This is the first time this happened in the past few days, so we don’t dare to ask.”

“Oh.” Zhu Yue nodded in agreement.

 After returning home from get off work, Zhu Yue sent several messages to Ye Qingfeng on her mobile phone. She kept waiting until she received a reply from Ye Qingfeng in the evening.

It’s just that the reply was just two words: It’s okay.

 Can't find any news...

 Zhu Yue can only learn about it through the gossip spread in the company.

 At the beginning, I learned that the employee made a mistake and was fired. Finally, I learned that the employee was fired because he accidentally destroyed a very important document.

  If it is an important document of the company, there will be nothing to say if it is fired.

 It’s just that Arlene didn’t seem to say that when she left.

Zhu Yue was dubious, and she didn’t learn the truth until she met Arlene, who was coming to handle the final resignation information during a lunch break.

Arlene told her that the real reason why she was fired was because she broke a unicorn ornament that Ye Qingfeng placed in the office.

"That thing just came over. I didn't pay attention at the time and accidentally hit the ground... Oh, I blame my bad luck for hitting the muzzle of the gun."

“It’s just a decoration, can’t I just buy a new one?” Zhu Yue didn’t understand.

 (End of this chapter)

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