My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 165: Get her drunk

Chapter 165 Pour her wine

  Time flies, and it’s An Ruan’s birthday in the blink of an eye.

Since he was going to An Ruan's house, Ye Weiyi reported to Ye Xichen in advance and asked for leave from Master Shirley.

I've been to An Ruan's house once before, but this time I knew the way and didn't ask An Ruan to pick me up.

She stood at the door and knocked on the door. She found that the door was slightly open, so she pushed it open and entered.

She had no idea that when she entered, the people waiting at the door suddenly opened their flower tubes with colorful ribbons.

With a "bang" sound, those pieces of colorful roll paper floated all over Ye Yiwei's body.

 The classmate who caused the trouble: "Oh my God, why is it you?"

 The words...the tone seemed like she shouldn't be there.

Ye Weiwei realized that his appearance seemed to have disrupted other people's plans. He quickly lowered his head and apologized softly, "I'm sorry, I didn't know you were..."

 She had never had these things at any birthday party she had attended before.

  In short, it was the first time for her to be stared at by so many unfamiliar classmates, and it was very stressful!


Ye stood there helplessly and let others look at her.

The little girl is wearing a white dress today with a pink coat on top. There are two small white plush **** hanging from the sleeves, which is very cute.

Looking at her cute expression, her face turned red due to nervousness, just like an apple, and she really wanted to take a bite.

“Hey, you’re blocking the light and why don’t you come in.”

Su Yichen suddenly spoke up to relieve Ye Weiyi.

 Suddenly a burst of laughter broke out from the crowd: "Student Qiao turns out to be so cute."

“Yeah, I usually wear baggy school uniforms that completely cover me up, but when I dressed up today, I saw that Student Qiao is really petite and cute.”

 Ye was only surprised by their reactions.

She could tell that what these people said was not sarcasm, but sincere praise for her?

As if he suddenly figured something out, Ye Weiwei stood at the door holding a gift and smiled sweetly at everyone, "Thank you."

"I'm back!"

 An Ruan pushed the door open and walked out, only to find that the door was covered with garland and shredded paper.

 After questioning, I found out that Ye Weiwei had been tricked by a friend on his behalf!

An Ruan patted Ye Weiwei on the shoulder and laughed, "Hahaha, Xiaoli, you are so pitiful."

Ye Weiwei smiled, handed the gift to An Ruan, and said, "Happy birthday."

An Ruan was very happy when she got the gift, but when she took it to put it away, she opened the bag and took a look, and found that the packaging inside seemed ordinary, and she frowned.

 Friends coaxed An Ruan to make a wish and share the cake.

 An Ruan then returned to the crowd.

When dividing the cake, An Ruan took some fruit wine and said, "My parents brought this back from other places. It's delicious."

  Some junior high school students have never been exposed to it. An Ruan said: "It's not intoxicating!"

She took two bottles and poured them for them herself, and finally handed them to Ye Weiwei, "Xiao Liao came to Cang and tasted it. It tastes very good."

Ye Weiwei saw that everyone was full of praise after drinking, so he also picked up the cup and said, "I, let me try it."

  She had a drink. It tasted really good. It was a little heavier than the drink, but not irritating.

 An Ruan stood next to her, passing one glass after another.

 Ye Weiwei's face turned slightly red after drinking three glasses, "I still won't drink anymore."

“It’s okay, I won’t get drunk. Today is my birthday, why don’t you give me some face?”

 “Well, okay then…”

Ye Ziyi couldn't refuse, so he drank one cup after another and fell directly on the sofa.

An Ruan lowered his head and smiled. He caught a glimpse of Su Yichen who was playing with his mobile phone and said, "Yichen, please help me take care of you. I took care of you all morning last time."

You are still wondering whether An Ruan is good or bad, so what do you think is An Ruan’s intention in pouring wine on Youyi right now?



 (End of this chapter)

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