My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 166: Go to the room and find my brother

Chapter 166 Go to the room and find your brother

An Ruan helped Ye Weiyi to Su Yichen's side.

Su Yichen paused with his finger on the phone screen, glanced at the blushing little girl next to him, and frowned.

 “Why are you drunk?”

“I don’t know, obviously everyone else is fine after drinking the fruit wine, maybe it’s because Xiaoli has a special constitution.”

 An Ruan explained it casually.

Su Yichen raised his head and looked at An Ruan. He said and did nothing, but his indifferent eyes made An Ruan feel nervous as if his conspiracy had been seen through.

An Ruan knew that Su Yichen was thoughtful, so he didn't bother with him too much. He turned back to the crowd, said a few words to other friends and then walked to the room alone.

Su Yichen glanced at Ye Weiyi who was lying next to him, raised his eyebrows, silently returned his eyes to his mobile phone, and continued his game.

The only thing she wouldn't do when she was drunk was that she was feeling dizzy and didn't want to say anything.

 However, even in this lively environment, she still felt that she was alone, and she was a little scared to be alone.

Su Yichen didn’t pay attention at first, until the hem of his coat was pulled by someone...

Su Yichen took a quick look and saw his hands, which had always been white and tender.

Her skin is very good, as white and delicate as a baby, but her hands are very beautiful, not as round as her face, but slender and delicate.

Ye Weiwei rubbed his eyes and whispered in his mouth.

  “Brother, brother.”

Her voice was as soft as a human being's, and she was shouting in a daze. It was so soft and soft that it was sweet to people's hearts.


Su Yichen's cell phone slipped from the edge of the sofa. He immediately picked up the cell phone on the ground and cursed.

Su Yichen suddenly felt agitated.

I feel sick when I think about how I "appreciated" the night scene for so long just now!

She is obviously an ordinary girl who doesn't know what to do, so why should he care about her? Anyway, Ye Ziyi disdains him to repay her kindness.

Su Yichen has an aloof temper. In order to prove his only contempt for Ye, he picked up his mobile phone and changed his position.

An Ruan, who had just come out of the room, saw Su Yichen's actions, glanced at Ye Weiyi who was still reclining on the sofa, and smiled at the corner of his mouth.

She took two quick steps and walked to Ye Weiyi's side, helped him up, and said with concern: "Xiao Li, go to my room and rest for a while."

Ye Weiwei opened his eyes with blurred eyes and shook his head at An Ruan, "No, I won't go."

Just when An Ruan was about to coax again, she heard Ye Weiyi stuttering out some words, "Looking for brother."

 “Okay, come find your brother.”

An Ruan's smile grew bigger, "Your brother asked you to go to your room to rest first. He will pick you up soon."

 “Well, rest, brother will pick up...”

Following An Ruan's words, she is as easy to coax as a child now.

Ye Weiwei was willing to cooperate. An Ruan helped her into the room and reluctantly let her lie down on his bed.

 After finishing all this, An Ruan clapped his hands and said, "It's really easy for you. I usually don't let people enter the room."

Girls generally don’t like others entering their rooms, and An Ruan is certainly the same.

However, for her own purposes, she not only wanted to break up and let Ye Yiyi lie down, but also let her sleep here tonight.


A whistle came from the wide open window. An Ruan ran to the window and stuck her head out to look out. The bright car lights made her eyes light up.

An Ruan stood in front of the mirror, straightened her clothes again, and then ran out happily.

Yesterday someone mentioned giving CP names to Brother Chen and Little Lingdang. The Qibao people brainstormed and thought about it?



 (End of this chapter)

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