My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 167: The price of hurting her

Chapter 167 The cost of hurting her

 An Ruan’s family was busy until Ye Xichen arrived!

"Brother Ye, you are finally here." An Ruan followed Ye Xichen and greeted him as if he was very familiar.

Everyone else whispered, An Ruan actually knows such a handsome man!

 “It looks so impressive!”

“Is this a relative of An Ruan? He looks so good-looking, just like the one on TV.”

Ye Xichen became the focus of everyone again.

 But he did not squint and was not affected at all. Even in a messy environment, he still had a unique temperament that was independent of the world.

“Today is my birthday, so all my friends came to my house to celebrate my birthday.” An Ruan explained to Ye Xichen with a smile, with anticipation in his eyes.

An Ruan is looking forward to Ye Xichen saying to her gently: "Happy birthday" after hearing her words.

At this time, Ye Xichen finally turned his attention to her, his dark eyes as dark as night, and a sentence escaped from his thin lips: "Where is she?"

An Ruan Weidu, I didn’t expect Ye Xichen to be so disrespectful!

 But when there were so many people, she could only pretend not to know. She rubbed her fingers on her palms and smiled awkwardly, "I was resting in my room and fell asleep."

After saying just one sentence, An Ruan quickly brought a piece of birthday cake with the letters "anruan" written on it that he had deliberately kept in front of him, with hope in his eyes, "Since Brother Ye is here, why not just eat a piece of cake. "

 “I don’t like sweet things.”

"Let's drink the fruit bar!" An Ruan put down the cake and hurriedly handed over the fruit wine, and specially introduced: "This fruit wine was brought back by my parents from other places. It is very sweet."

"Need not."

 The rejection was straightforward and decisive, without any emotion.

In just a moment, Ye Xichen took in everything in the living room.

These people have all had cups filled with fruit wine in front of them. Even if they have drunk all the wine, there are still some traces of color left in the transparent cups.

 There were many empty bottles of fruit wine beside the table, indicating that these people drank a lot.

The ratio of male students to female students here is about 1:3. These people drank wine, but they were not drunk at all. It was the only time they drank at night, and they were drunk to the point of unconsciousness!

"Lead the way." After being born again, Ye Xichen's tone was as cold as ice, without any warmth.

An Ruan was stunned for a moment, and wanted to change the topic to delay the conversation, but when she met Ye Xichen's sharp gaze, she suddenly had nothing to say.

Ye Xichen's expression obviously didn't change, but the look in his eyes revealed everything.

An Ruan didn't expect Ye Xichen to be so ungentlemanly, and was even more afraid that Ye Xichen would lose face in public.

"Okay, okay, I'll take you to see it." An Ruan compromised.

She took Ye Xichen to her room. As soon as she opened the door, she felt a cool breeze coming towards her.

Ye Xichen walked in with a dark face and saw the petite body of the man huddled up in a ball on the bed. He was trembling slightly because he was obviously cold.

 There is a neat quilt folded beside the bed.

In this winter season, An Ruan brought people in without covering them with quilts and opened the windows wide?

An Ruan didn't know Ye Xichen's heart. She breathed a sigh of relief when she saw Ye Weiwei squinting his eyes and not waking up. There was even a flash of smile in his eyes.


 At this time, the window was closed heavily.

An Ruan was startled and said cautiously, "Brother Ye, I just said she was asleep. It's not a good idea to disturb her now."

Ye Xichen touched Ye Weiyi's cold hand and rubbed it twice, "An Ruan, do you know the cost of hurting her?"

   Little bitch, do you know the cost of hurting Little Bell?

Do you want Brother Chen to do it or Xiao Lingdang to do it on her own?



 (End of this chapter)

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