My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1662: marriage without love

 Chapter 1662 Marriage without love

 Nangong Yuzhen got married.

 At noon the next day, she posted her marriage certificate.

Immediately afterwards, the headlines of the city's entertainment news were about the marriage between Nangong Yu, the sole heir of the Nangong family, and Huo Yanxi, the grandson of the Huo family.

Who is Huo Yanxi?

The Huo family is among the top three in the country. Huo Yanxi, the eldest son of the Huo family, controls multinational companies and once created unprecedented performance. He is simply the strongest in the financial world.

This man who is almost at the top of power and money, and has always been in the news, why did he suddenly announce his marriage?

Many reasons were revealed on Weibo, and some people even started typing on the keyboard to write a thousand-word novel.

 Some people say: "Business marriage, indeed, even rich people cannot escape this hurdle."

Some people also said: "Huo Yanxi is simply a national male god. His good looks are rare in the entertainment industry, but he relies on his strength to make a living. Do such people still need to get married? Just think about it and you will know that it must be the case. It’s true love!”

Of course, there are also people who write about sour grapes when they can't eat them: "Is there a shady story here? Isn't it a marriage of a son?"

  After all, it is simply unbelievable that a person like Huo Yanxi, who is constantly in the news, would suddenly put on the "yoke of marriage".

 Rumors are flying everywhere, but the heroine Nangong Yu is sitting in a high-end restaurant entertaining two good sisters.

“Sister Yu, you are really a blockbuster even if you don’t even make a sound!”

Bei Jiyue exclaimed when she saw the photo of the marriage certificate.

Mingming sees Nangong Yu being burdened by the company every day, but getting married is ahead of all of them.

“But why have I never heard from you that you have someone you like?”

"Xiao Yue'er, not everyone is as lucky as you to meet someone like Brother Qingfeng since birth." Nangong Yu smiled lightly, tolerating the little girl's innocence.

“There are relatively few childhood sweethearts, but I haven’t heard any news about Huo Yanxi before.”

 “Didn’t you read what was said on the Internet, business marriage?”

 “What!” Bei Jiyue exploded when she heard those words!

"Is it too late to regret the marriage now..."

Nangong Yu asked back: "What do you think?"

 "Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooowwww!" Bei Jiyue punched the table in anger.

 Sister Yu, whom she liked so much, was gentle and beautiful. She was supposed to be marrying for love, so how could it turn into a business marriage?

Mo Xiangnuan, who has always been silent and rarely talks, also appeared gloomy.

Seeing the two of them looking like this, it was Nangong Yu, the person involved, who thought the most, "Okay, don't be sad. I'm getting married. You should bless me."

Mo Xiangnuan said in a deep voice: "If you told us today that you have someone you like, we would be very happy, but..."

Marriage does happen quite often in their circle at this stage, but they all grew up under the doting of their parents. They are used to seeing parents who are united by love and love each other. How could they do that? Accept marriage calmly, something that is only for profit and has no emotions.

Thinking about it, I still feel confused.

“Sister Yu, when do you plan to hold the wedding?”

 “No wedding.”


“It’s just a marriage. As long as everyone knows about it, the wedding is not important.”

“Does your godfather and godmother also agree?”

"of course not…"

Of course Nangong Luo and Gong Qianyu couldn't agree, so she decided to kill him first and then tell him.

 (End of this chapter)

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