My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1663: She interrupted his good deeds

 Chapter 1663 She interrupted his good deeds

Because of Nangong Yu's incident, Bei Jiyue was depressed all day long.

 After get off work, Ye Qingfeng took her to have dinner, but she didn't talk much along the way.

 “Not happy yet? Is it because of Yu’er?”

"Yes, Brother Qingfeng, you don't know. I was really sad when I heard Sister Yu tell us that it was a business marriage and there would be no wedding." At this point, my eyes became sore and tears fell out.

She sniffed and said, "Sister Yu said it with a smile, but the smile on her face was different from usual. I could see that she was not happy at all."

"Brother Qingfeng, why do you think Sister Yu is doing this? She is the only daughter of the Nangong family. Both her godfather and godmother love her so much that there is no need for her to get married!"

"Sister Yu is so kind to me, just like a biological sister. I hope she can be happy. I originally thought that a gentle and beautiful person like her should deserve the best man."

“Brother Qingfeng, do you think Sister Yu is joking with us?”

 Many people say that they cannot empathize with something that has not happened to them, but even if they cannot empathize with it, people close to them will still have their own feelings.

It can be said that the Ye family triplets and Nangong Yu grew up watching Bei Jiyue.

 They all love Bei Jiyue, it's true.

 But because Ye Zhiruo pursues a better self, he seldom gets along with them.

Mo Xiangnuan also likes silence.

 Only Nangong Yu is gentle and considerate to everyone around him.

 For Bei Jiyue, Nangong Yu is her biological sister.

Now she sees her sister marrying a loveless marriage, marrying a man who is a stranger to both of them. She is so unhappy and has to force a smile. She feels really sad.


Ye Qingfeng listened quietly to all Bei Jiyue said.

 He can understand Bei Jiyue's current thoughts very well.

"Yue'er, everyone's life in the world is different. It is impossible for everyone to live according to their own wishes. Even the beauty you expect is only what you expect."

Everyone protected Bei Jiyue so well that they couldn't bear to destroy the most true, kind and beautiful part of her heart.

But the reality is like this, if you dig out the bright and shiny surface, what is hidden inside may have already become dripping with blood.

“Brother Qingfeng, is there no other way?”

 “No, everything is Yu’er’s own choice.”

Whenever Nangong Yu asks them for help, they will try their best to help.

 But if Nangong Yu chooses to get married, they can only bless him.

 Even...a marriage without love.

 The clear night breeze coaxed Bei Jiyue for a long time.

 The assistant called him and told him that the place was ready.

 He looked down at the little girl who was crying until she was tired in his arms, and could only postpone the surprise he had prepared for her a few days ago.

After a few days, Bei Jiyue slowly thought about it. She ran to Nangong Yu's apartment, intending to personally give Nangong Yu a gift she had carefully prepared.

 “I hope Sister Yu will like it!”

Hold the gift in her arms, she opened the door of the apartment directly using fingerprint verification and password as usual, and found that there was no one in the living room.

At first I thought that Nangong Yu hadn't gone home yet, but suddenly I heard some movement in the room.

She thought Nangong Yu might be in the room.

“Sister Yu, are you there?”

 No one answered her.

Nangong Yu knocked on the door.

The door of the room suddenly opened from the inside, and a strange man appeared in front of her.

  【The author has something to say】

Hahaha at times like this...



 (End of this chapter)

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