My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1674: What to see? You look good

Chapter 1674 What are you looking at? You look good

I don’t know how long it took, but Nangong Yu finally seemed to notice that someone was staring at him.

She suddenly looked back, her eyes as bright as stars meeting Huo Yanxi's deep black eyes.

Naturally, she showed her most natural smile to Huo Yanxi.

 True and beautiful.

Huo Yanxi opened her thin lips lightly and asked something different from her own temperament.

 “What are you looking at, so seriously?”

Nangong Yu sat upright and faced him, his voice soft and soft, "I'm looking at the tiger-bearded calamus."

 “A potted plant, how beautiful it is?”

Nangong Yu nodded slightly, "It looks good."

Then she spoke slowly, "Acorus calamus belongs to the genus Acorus of the family Araceae. Together with orchids, daffodils, and chrysanthemums, it is known as the "Four Elegant Flowers and Grasses." During the Dragon Boat Festival, it is a magical herb to prevent epidemics and exorcise evil spirits!"

 The reputation of the talented woman is true, and any potted plant is said to be so beautiful by her.

Huo Yanxi chuckled, "It is said that people who sit in high positions have endless things to do and can't remember their thoughts every day. This is the first time I have seen someone stare at a pot of grass and appreciate it for so long."

“Everyone has their own hobbies. Being able to do other things to relieve stress after busy work is also a good way of self-regulation.”

 “Hobby?” He really doesn’t have that thing!

  Since he was a child, he has been told that being the grandson of the Huo family has to shoulder heavy responsibilities. Everything he has learned is to one day be able to shoulder the heavy responsibility of the Huo family.

As for boring things like hobbies, they don’t exist in Huo Yanxi’s dictionary at all.

“By the way, has Mr. Huo read all the plans?”


 “ continue.”

 You continue to look at your plan, and I will continue to look at my potted plants. This is good, Nangong Yu thought.

  But Huo Yanxi did not follow her wishes. He raised the corner of his mouth and had his heart in mind.

Huo Yanxi threw all the remaining plans in front of her and said casually: "I'll leave the rest to you. You can look at it as you like, choose as you like, or choose none at all."

 Nangong Yu was surprised.

Huo Yanxi meant to leave the choice to her? Doesn't it mean giving her the opportunity to eliminate her opponent?

"Mr. Huo, what do you mean, are you not afraid that I am only out for my own selfish interests?"

Huo Yanxi raised his eyebrows, leaned back lazily on the chair behind him, and said in a casual tone: "It doesn't matter, if only Nangong Group's plan is left on the table, then it will be the partner chosen by Huo Enterprises. "

 Nangong Yu was full of doubts.

This man can actually decide the long-term partner of Huo's Enterprise in such a childish way?

 The cooperation project of a multinational group is an opportunity that many people cannot strive for. Huo Yensi simply gave it to her?

Nangong Yu stared at the planning book on the table and thought deeply.

At this moment, Huo Yanxi was also observing her.

 He wanted to see what kind of choice this woman would make.

After a while, Nangong Yu took out the Nangong Group's plan from the many plans on the table, placed it on the table, and pushed it in front of Huo Yanxi.

She said: "Since Mr. Huo trusts us so much, our Nangong Group will definitely live up to your expectations. On behalf of everyone in the Nangong Group, I, Nangong Yu, would like to express my gratitude to you."

 She was still smiling, confident but not arrogant.

Huo Yanxi’s eyes narrowed.

 Sit up again, pick up the Nangong Group's planning document, and sign his name with a wave of his hand.

He stood next to Nangong Yu, and his magnetic voice reached her ears.

“Miss Nangong, are you sure you’re going to hide the news from me this time?”

 (End of this chapter)

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