My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1675: Mr. Huo, are you buying clothes?

Chapter 1675 Mr. Huo, buying clothes?

“Miss Nangong, are you sure you’re going to hide the news from me this time?”

I thought Nangong Yu would avoid or refute, but she only said: "The shopping mall is like a battlefield, and strength is the most important thing."

 Every word focuses on business matters, and not a single sentence is personal.

  She is indeed a smart and unique girl.

This time, Huo Yanxi made a special statement for Nangong Yu, publicly explaining that the photos taken that day were just a scandal deliberately fabricated by someone.

People like Huo Yanxi don't even bother to lie. Since he himself speaks, naturally no one will use this matter to slander Nangong Yu.

Nangong Yu thinks that Huo Yanxi is not as bad as what others say. In addition to his good abilities, he seems to be quite humane?

 But soon, Nangong Yu denied her opinion of him.

 After the two parties signed a long-term cooperation agreement, Huo Yanxi began to meet with her for various reasons.

 The key point is that every time we talk about work time, she has no reason to refuse.

Nangong Yu felt that by cooperating with Huo's Enterprise, he felt like he had access to Huo Yanxi's complete set.

 Fortunately, she has great patience and can deal with it calmly no matter what Huo Yanxi does.

However, today is different...

The place Huo Yanxi asked her to go turned out to be a high-end clothing store.

She knew this brand. It was a famous brand imported from abroad and had been in fashion newspapers. She just didn’t know what Huo Yexi was bringing her here for?

“Mr. Huo, do you want to buy clothes?”

This brand has different sections for men and women. There are women's and men's styles in the store. Nangong Yu's first thought was that Huo Yanxi wanted to buy clothes.

 But Huo Yanxi took her to the ladies' section.

As soon as Huo Yanxi entered, his aura was in full swing, causing the salesperson to enthusiastically give them guidance.

 “Give her the latest model you have to try.”

As soon as Huo Yanxi opened her mouth, the shop assistants milling around brought three different styles of skirts in different colors.

“Miss, look at this blue skirt, it’s fresh and elegant…”

“Miss, look at this black skirt, it’s elegant and dignified.”

 “Look at this red v-neck…”

One skirt after another was pushed in front of Nangong Yu, and she didn't know which one to choose.

 The point is, why did Huo Yanxi suddenly bring her to buy clothes?

“Mr. Huo, what do you mean?”

 “Ms. Nangong works hard and brings you here to relax.”

“There are many ways to relax, let’s try another one.”

 “I just want to give you clothes.”

 “No reward for no merit.”

“Miss Nangong, please be humble. The benefits you have created for our company this time are of extraordinary value. Two pieces of clothing are nothing.”

 From Huo Yanxi's tone, it could be heard that he was determined to buy clothes for her.

Nangong Yu has met all kinds of people, but he has never met anyone like Huo Yenxi who uses everything at work as an excuse and gives you no reason not to believe it.

Since he wanted to give it away, she would take it.

 Under the guidance of the clerk, Nangong Yu casually took a blue skirt and entered the dressing room.

Huo Yanxi was sitting on the sofa, her slender legs folded, but her posture looked elegant.

This man is simply a walking hormone, exuding his charm all the time.

Several shop assistants, and even the occasional customer who came in, couldn't help but look at him a few more times, and some even took photos of him.

But He An will be responsible for finding those people and asking them to delete the photos in their hands.

He An knew that his boss did not want Miss Nangong to become a hot topic for no reason.

 (End of this chapter)

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