My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 169: I want a little bell (super sweet)

Chapter 169 I want a little bell (super sweet)

Perhaps it was because of the familiar embrace that Ye Weiwei was clinging tightly to her.

When she was carried out, she was hit by the biting cold wind. She shook and woke up.

 “Brother, pick up…”

 “What to pick up?”

  "Take...little bell, cluck." She raised her arm to shake the bell on her wrist as usual, but found that she couldn't hear the sound.

The night is not clear now. The scenes in her sight are hazy. She can't hear the sound. She purses her pink lips in frustration and says, "My bell has no sound!"

 Ye Xichen: “…”

 “There is no sound.” His tone was as if he was shouting a jellybean in his mouth.

 Ye Xichen still didn’t respond to her.

Ye Weiyi felt even more aggrieved when she received no response. She stretched out her lotus-like hands and hugged Ye Xichen's neck tightly, and shouted loudly: "Brother!"

 She began to twist in Ye Xichen's arms.

Ye Xichen bent down and put her down directly, but he still held her firmly with both hands.

Ye Yiyi was even more wanton with her feet on the ground. She needed to raise her arms very high to hug her neck. She simply grabbed the clothes around Ye Xichen's waist and stamped her feet while tugging, "Brother! My bell has no sound! No sound!"

Ye Xichen sighed and held his forehead, feeling angry and helpless.

He stretched out his hand and flicked her forehead lightly, and the words in his mouth were quite endearing, "You little fool, you are so drunk."

 Ke Yeweiyi couldn't understand it at this time.

She heard Ye Xichen's gentle voice, which invisibly made her bolder. She only dragged Ye Xichen to ask for the bell, "Brother, I want a bell, I want a small bell."


"Yes! Brother, yes!" She was so sure that a pot could hang on her raised mouth.

Ye Xichen raised his heroic eyebrows and said, "I won't give it to you."

 After being drunk, Ye Weiyi became even more obsessed. His dexterous fingers first pulled at his clothes, then at his collar, and finally "acted wildly" on his face.

Don't forget to be cute and coquettish, "Give it, give it to me, brother, give it to me."

She just opened her eyes and stared, her watery eyes seemed to be filled with shining stars.

Facing her like this...

 How could he not surrender?

Ye Xichen lowered his head slightly, rested his chin on her raised forehead, and parted his lips: "The little bell is right here."

“Where?” As soon as Ye Weiwei heard this, he subconsciously lowered his head and stared at the ground. He turned around and looked around but couldn’t find it.

She asked in confusion: "Where is the little bell?"

Ye Xichen raised her head and leaned back slightly, and gently pinched the tip of her nose. Her heart was already so soft.

  The cold face faded away, and a wonderful smile bloomed on the handsome and elegant face. He opened his thin lips and coaxed her with a beautiful voice, "Here he is."

 His little bell is right in front of you.

Ye Weiwei was stunned because she didn't understand why Ye Xichen suddenly remembered it.

 But when she saw the person she liked happy, she giggled stupidly. She was seduced by the seductive man, and in a blink of an eye she forgot about looking for the bell.

“I was so drunk that I didn’t even know I was being sold.”

After all, he was unwilling to let her blow in the cool night breeze for too long, so Ye Xichen led her into the car.

Ye Weiwei was still confused, but she always followed Ye Xichen, acting so well-behaved.

After she got in the car, she closed the car door with a bang.

 “You little fool, don’t be fooled again.”

I probably ate too much sweets on Chinese Valentine’s Day today. Isn’t this chapter super sweet? Qibao, do you like this sweet chapter?

   Choose one, Chenchen couple or Lingxi couple?



 (End of this chapter)

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