My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 170: Video sent by An Ruan

Chapter 170 Video sent by An Ruan

 The only time she was awake at night, she found that she...was not in the room or the bed.


 What is being poured into her mouth?

Ye Weiwei reached out to push him away, but someone held the back of his head and prevented him from moving.

 She raised her eyelids with difficulty, and her eyes met another line of sight.

"woke up?"

The man patted her on the head and took a step away. Ye Weiyi was finally liberated.

 Seeing clearly that the person in front of him was Ye Xichen, he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Ye Youwei glanced at the celadon bowl in Ye Xichen's hand, rubbed his head, and asked, "What is that?"

 “Sobering up soup.” Ye Xichen responded neither salty nor bland.

Ye Weiwei suddenly opened his eyes and slapped his forehead, "Sobering up soup? Am I drunk?"

 She has no memory of what happened before!

Ye Xichen smiled and said nothing. He took the bowl in his hand to the kitchen and washed it. He did this slowly, as if he was enjoying it.

But Ye Weiyi, who didn't get the answer, couldn't wait any longer. He went to the kitchen and asked, "Am I drunk? Brother Chen, did you go to pick me up?"


 “Huh?” Ye Weiwei’s eyes widened.

Looking at her big, watery eyes, Ye Xichen twitched the corner of his mouth and said, "I picked you up at the gate."

"What! I actually walked back by myself! I have no impression at all!" If this was the case, Ye Weiwei suddenly wanted to show off his wit.

Ye Xichen finally couldn't listen any more. He put down the porcelain bowl and glanced at her, his dark eyes dark and calm, "Where do you get your confidence from? You think you can come back safely."

"Brother Chen..." Ye Weiwei shouted weakly. He didn't know what he had done, but he felt guilty subconsciously.

“I just remember drinking fruit wine at Ruan Ruan’s house. Ruan Ruan said I wouldn’t get drunk. Maybe I’m not suitable for drinking.” The further she went on to explain, the lower her voice became.

Ye Xichen stepped forward, his tall figure shrouding Ye Weiwei's upper body.

She subconsciously wanted to raise her head, but was held down by someone. Then, a cold voice came from the top of her head, and he said: "In the future, don't interact with An Ruan again."

"Why? Is it because I'm drunk? Ruan Ruan gave us fruit wine to drink. Maybe I get drunk easily, but the other classmates don't seem to be drunk. It's not Ruan Ruan's fault."

“Well, why are you drunk if you know no one else is drunk?”

 “Uh…” seems to be the truth, but…

 “But Ruan Ruan is my best friend in No. 2 Middle School.”

 “Really? You think so?”

Being stared at by Ye Xichen's sharp gaze, Ye Weiyi lowered his eyes unconsciously, his long curled eyelashes trembled, and asked in a soft voice: "Isn't it...shouldn't it?"

"Anyway, I have warned An Ruan not to approach you again. If you are still reluctant to make that false sacrifice, you can choose to continue to pretend to be confused."

“Brother, she is the first girl besides Liuli who takes the initiative to be nice to me.”


While the conversation between the two was tense, a message suddenly popped up on Ye Weiwei's mobile phone connected to the Internet.

To cover up the embarrassment, she picked up her phone and looked at it. It was a message from An Ruan.

 Just talking about this person, this is...

Ye Weiwei bit her lip and opened it to see a short video.

The video that has not been clicked is the environment at An Ruan’s home.

 She was a little curious about what video An Ruan would send her.

Ye Weiwei glanced at Ye Xichen cautiously, and pointed with trembling fingers...

 (End of this chapter)

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