My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1697: She drank the glass of wine

Chapter 1697 She drank the glass of wine

“Miss Nangong, I heard that it must be very hard for you as a woman to support the Nangong family, right?”


“Why do your parents just throw the burden on you, a weak woman?”

 “If you can do it yourself, why not share the burden with your parents?”

Zhong Siyu lowered her eyes slightly, "It sounds like Miss Nangong is really filial."

“My parents raised me and loved me, and now it’s time for me to repay their kindness in raising me.” Nangong Yu responded calmly and fluently.

Zhong Siyu paused and added another question inexplicably, "Are Miss Nangong's parents very close to each other?"

Nangong Yu simply explained, "They love each other very much."

Zhong Siyu closed her lips tightly and gritted her teeth hard.

Her heart seemed to be boiling with a hot fire, causing her jealousy to grow.


 Originally, she was the only eldest lady of the Nangong family. Her mother was Nangong Luo's wife, but Gong Qianli and Nangong Yu took everything away!

Zhong Siyu hated it so much. If Nangong Yu had not appeared, then maybe she would still be the only daughter of the Nangong family. She would still be worthy of Huo Yanxi, and she could even like Huo Yanxi openly without worrying about the rumors outside.

 However, all this became Nangong Yu's.

Zhong Siyu was convinced that Nangong Yu had robbed everything that originally belonged to her!

"I just heard that Miss Nangong returned to Nangong's house with her mother when she was three years old, and..." Zhong Siyu deliberately mentioned what happened back then.

At that time, Nangong Yu was still young and didn't understand many things, but when she grew up, Nangong Luo and Gong Qianli didn't hide anything from her, so she knew exactly what happened that year.

Zhong Yun's boyfriend died in order to protect Nangong Luo. Nangong Luo became a fake couple with Zhong Yun for three years because of guilt and emotional pain. However, in fact, they never obtained a certificate from beginning to end, and their relationship was not even recognized by law. .

Later, Gong Qianli's return made everything clear, and the lovers finally got married.

 So, Nangong Yu will not be affected by the oolong at all.

 “Ms. Siyu, everyone is saying what they say. Don’t believe everything that is reported outside. The benevolent sees benevolence and the wise see wisdom.”

The implication of this statement is that she listened to rumors at will and was not smart enough?

Zhong Siyu couldn't hold back her face, so she could only respond with a fake smile, "Oh, look, how can I bring up these old things. Miss Nangong, please help yourself, I have to entertain other guests."

When Zhong Siyu left, she accidentally bumped into the tray when she saw the waiter delivering the wine.

 No one noticed that a small pill fell into the drink and dissipated quickly.

Zhong Siyu pointed at Nangong Yu and said, "The lady in blue over there needs it, so you can send it over."

 The waiter who served the wine nodded.

Zhong Siyu stood aside and saw Nangong Yu taking the wine glass with his own eyes.

 Zhong Siyu's heartbeat gradually accelerated.

  When they heard Mr. Huo on the stage say in public that he hoped his grandson Huo Yanxi would find a partner as soon as possible, she saw Nangong Yu raising her head and drinking down the wine in the glass.

Zhong Siyu clasped her hands tightly, and when she saw Nangong Yu's wine glass bottoming out, she was shouting crazily in her heart.

 She is going to succeed!

 Today, she is going to ruin Nangong Yu’s reputation!

 Didn’t those people describe Nangong Yu as “emerging from the mud but not stained”? Didn’t those people praise Nangong Yu for being smart and wise? Doesn't Huo Yanxi like Nangong Yu?

Then she will make Nangong Yu embarrassed in public today!

 (End of this chapter)

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