My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1698: Accident at the banquet

Chapter 1698 Accident at the banquet

When Nangong Yu heard Mr. Huo say in public that he hoped Huo Yanxi would find a partner, he felt as if he was stabbed in the heart.

She didn’t know what to do, so she just happened to hold the wine glass and drank the glass of wine in one gulp.

 Just after a while, she felt a little warm.

I don’t know if it’s because there are too many people in the hall, but it feels a bit stuffy.

 She felt that she should go out for some air now.

But after taking two steps, she felt that her steps were a little frivolous. She held on to the table, lowered her head, and bent her body slightly.

 Her head felt a little dizzy, and she wondered if she was sick.

 He wanted to take out his mobile phone to contact the assistant waiting outside, but was "inadvertently" stopped by Zhong Siyu.

Zhong Siyu came over and stroked her hand, "Miss Nangong, what's wrong with you?"

“I seem to be feeling dizzy and feverish. Is there a temporary medical room here?” She remembered that Huo Yanxi had such an arrangement last time and she needed to see a doctor.

Zhong Siyu grabbed her hand and held her handbag tightly, "Miss Nangong, please wait a moment, I will contact you right away."

By the time Zhong Siyu's heart began to beat slowly, Nangong Yu had already lost his mind, and his fingers were opening the thin shoulder straps.

She felt like her body was next to a stove, so hot.

Seeing that his plan was about to succeed, Zhong Siyu secretly rejoiced.

 “Oh, Miss Nangong, what’s wrong with you?”

 She deliberately increased her volume, causing everyone around her to look over.

What Zhong Siyu is thinking is that as long as Nangong Yu really reveals something in front of so many people, after tonight, Nangong Yu will definitely become the laughing stock of the upper class circles!

Just when Nangong Yu couldn't bear it anymore and was about to untie her shoulders, a domineering and powerful man suddenly took her hand and pulled her into his arms.

Huo Yanxi’s generous body blocked everything for her.

Ignoring everyone's doubtful looks, Huo Yanxi directly pressed Nangong Yu into his arms, "Grandpa, I think I have found the right person."

 He threw a heavy bomb and forcefully took Nangong Yu away.

 Everyone was led by Huo Yanxi's actions and words, and they didn't remember to think about Nangong Yu at all.

Nangong Yu, who was brought out by Huo Yanxi, was extremely uncomfortable at the moment and kept twisting in Huo Yanxi's arms because she felt very uncomfortable.

Huo Yanxi put her directly into the car and patted her cheek, "Nangong Yu, please wake up."

At this moment, Nangong Yu couldn't hear what he said clearly. He just wanted to take off his clothes, "It's so hot."

This situation is all too familiar to Huo Yanxi, who has been in love for a long time. Nangong Yu must have taken that drug by mistake...

Sure enough, Nangong Yu took the initiative to approach him.

"Huo Yanxi..." She approached him with blurred eyes.

Huo Yanxi was fixed on her look because it was so tempting.

 “Help me, Huo Yanxi.” Her body seemed to be on fire.

Huo Yanxi was heartbroken.

When Nangong Yu entangled him again, his rationality was almost overwhelmed. He opened the car door and took Nangong Yu back.

But this time it’s not a banquet hall, but a hotel room on a high floor.

 “Yu’er, please bear with me a little longer.”

She was disobedient and could not stay peacefully in his arms. "She was thirsty and wanted to drink water."

 When she entered the room, she accidentally hit her head on the wall. The stinging feeling made her regain a little sense.

Huo Yanxi didn't pay attention and went in to find water for her.

Nangong Yu took out his mobile phone, pressed the contact set by the shortcut key, and called Bei Jiyue.

It was Ye Qingfeng's voice who answered the phone over there.

 (End of this chapter)

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