My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1699: Please, don't...

Chapter 1699 Please, don’t...

 “I am Ye Qingfeng, and the moon is in the changing room.”

Bei Jiyueyang asked Ye Qingfeng to take her shopping. She was in the fitting room right now, and her cell phone fell into Ye Qingfeng's hand.

 They are all familiar people, so it’s okay to answer directly.

"Brother Qingfeng, I'm here..." Nangong Yu reported his address directly. The next second, Huo Yanxi snatched the phone away and hung up.

"Ye Qingfeng, it turns out that the person you are thinking about at this time is still him!" He was so irritated by the name that he threw the phone aside without even noticing that the contact's note was "Yue".

Nangong Yu, whose ability to think has been taken away by drugs, is no longer able to refute his words.

The reappearance of Huo Yanxi seemed to be the only straw she could grasp, "It feels so uncomfortable, please help me."

 “It was you who asked me to save you!”

Full of jealousy went to his head, and the woman he loved took the initiative to throw himself into his arms.

 “No, don’t do this...”

 She could not imagine how miserable her condition was.

Huo Yanxi was unwilling to let her go.

"Please, don't..." Tears spread to her cheeks. She didn't want to be so bad in front of Huo Yanxi.

 Seeing her bite her lips cruelly to him, the corners of her mouth were covered with blood.

Huo Yanxi clenched his fist and punched her side, staring at her with bloodshot eyes.

 “You like him that much?”

I like him so much that I will be the first to call him when in danger, even resorting to self-harm to stay sane, because he is not that person, so I reject him in every possible way!

He really wanted to achieve what he wanted at this moment at all costs.

But looking at those tearful eyes and the low pleading voice coming from his ears, he still didn’t do it after all.

 Huo Yanxi picked up Nangong Yu from the bed, put her into the bathroom, soaked her in cold water, and called the doctor to tell them to come over quickly.

This is a two-hour drive from S, but Ye Qingfeng has connections all over the place, and it just so happens that Han Qi’s tour is here.

Han Qi led his people to find this place and confronted He An at the door.

 “I’m looking for Nangong Yu.”

 “It’s not convenient for Miss Nangong to see people at the moment.”

 “She is my sister, get out of the way!”

“Sir, the Nangong family only has an only daughter. When did he have a younger brother?”

He An was firm and refused to open the door.

Han Qi was so worried that he immediately had people break down the door.

Huo Yanxi only appeared after hearing the commotion outside the door.

Han Qi reported his identity and Ye Qingfeng's name. Huo Yanxi smiled coldly and stood behind the door. The chain door lock was only half open.

“She needs to rest now and it’s not convenient to see people.” Just kidding, why would the girl he rescued be taken away so easily by Ye Qingfeng’s people?

Han Qi clenched his fists in anger, "Huo Yanxi, you have no right to keep my sister!"

 “Are you her brother?”


 Their families all have a good relationship. Although Han Qi doesn't often stay with them, as a man, he has the responsibility to protect them.

Han Qi didn’t know what was going on inside, so since Huo Yanxi wouldn’t let him, he would force his way in!

 “Smash it with me!”

Han Qi asked someone to open the door again, but Huo Yanxi suddenly opened it.

 “You come in.”

 (End of this chapter)

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