My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 182: He will go abroad in college

Chapter 182 He will study abroad in college

Ye Xichen was born with the responsibility of inheriting the family, and it was almost certain what major he would choose after entering university.

Mrs. Ye was cautious and calmly contacted her husband, "Ye Hantian, I want to talk to you about arranging Chen'er's trip to Country M."

"I have no objection." Ye Hantian was the first to express his opinion on the phone.

Ye Xichen is an only child and is the focus of their couple’s training.

Ye Xichen has been attending various banquets with his father since he was a child, and has witnessed various business transactions. He officially entered the Ye Group from the first year of high school.

The husband and wife have always had different opinions, but they have a particularly tacit understanding when it comes to raising Ye Xichen, because they both know each other and have high requirements for their son.

Mrs. Ye leisurely flipped through some information about famous foreign schools. Ran Koudan's fingers flicked across each page, and she was in a good mood.


 “It’s time to go out.”

Mrs. Ye put down the information and picked up the photo of Ye Xichen and Ye Weiwei separated at the airport.


  No. 2 Middle School and "Xingyao" Academy were on vacation at the same time, so Ye Weiwei naturally got together with Gong Qianli and Nangong Luo.

As a boy, Nangong Luo has no "human rights" and just follows two little girls to protect the flowers.

 When she was outside, Gong Qianli found everything interesting, while Ye Weiwei found everything boring.

She herself is a quiet person, but when Gong Qianli drags her to lively places, she doesn’t even want to talk.

 I was bored and scrolling through my phone without expecting any news. It seemed like I was about to enter hibernation mode.

Gong Qianli took a big bite of the cake, and the milky white cream floated on the corner of her mouth. "Oh, look at you, you look like you're seeing things through the eyes when you come out to play with us."

"Who has seen through the autumn water, why don't I think about it for a moment?" Ye Weiwei lazily retorted, and when he raised his eyelids, he saw...

Nangong Luo pulled two tissues and put them to Gong Qianli's mouth. Gong Qianli didn't pick them up, just pouted and rubbed them on the paper.

Nangong Luo shook his head helplessly, dragged her pointed chin with one hand, and wiped it past the corner of her mouth.

Ye Weiwei’s eyes widened.

 “You, you, you…you…”

 She was wondering if she had missed something. They had not been together for a semester, and the two of them were so close?

However, the person involved was unaware and did not take her surprised expression to heart.

Nangong Luo only heard a "tsk" sound in disgust, "Are you reincarnated as a starving ghost? You don't look like a wealthy lady. Be careful to gain ten pounds."

"What the hell?" Gong Qianli couldn't bear it when she heard others curse her for being fat. She picked up the other half of the cake and stuffed it into Nangong Luo's mouth. She also warned, "Speak well!"

If you think they are just enemies, you are totally wrong!

 Because Nangong Luo is such a funny guy!

 The baby face turned into aggrieved face instantly, "Liu Li, can you be gentler."

Gong Qianli immediately retracted her hand, put down the cake and patted his baby face, "Ahem, I couldn't hold it back for a while, I'm sorry, brother Luo."

"Pfft..." Ye Wei almost spit out the milk he drank in his mouth.

Sure enough, she was overthinking it. The two of them were too familiar with each other and trusted each other too much, so she had no scruples at all.

 But seeing others get along so well, she felt worried again.

Gong Qianli took back her little cake and turned her attention to the lovesick child across from her. She casually mentioned, "It's only been a week and I can't bear to leave. What will you do when Brother Chen goes abroad to go to university?"

Without saying whether the plot will be resolved, do you think Xiaolingdang will consider it from Brother Chen’s perspective and let him go out and develop better?



 (End of this chapter)

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