My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 183: Brother, he shouldn't stay

Chapter 183 Brother, he shouldn’t stay

When he first heard about going abroad, Ye Weiwei grabbed the milk cup and asked calmly: "Who said Brother Chen is going abroad?"

“My father and others said this, and Aunt Ye is still choosing a school.”

 “I don’t believe it, my brother has never mentioned it to me.”

Gong Qianli took the last bite of the cake and spread her hands after finishing the meal, "It's still early, there's still a semester left."

“Yes, my old man praises me in my ears every day about how awesome the boss is, and he said he wants to go abroad.” Nangong Luo also agreed.

From the perspective of both of them, Ye Xichen's going abroad did not have much impact on their lives, so they could say it so easily.

However, Ye Weiyi could not remain calm.

How could she forget that Ye Xichen, who has grown up, will soon graduate from high school and enter university. No matter what, they will be separated and separated by a long distance.

Yewei was lost in thought.

Gong Qianli realized later that she had poked someone's heartache.

"What should we do..." Gong Qianli quietly pulled Nangong Luo's sleeve.

Nangong Luo shook his head.

 It was a moment of pleasure to reveal the news, but it was cremated afterwards.

The cheating Gong Qianli thought about it and came up with a bad idea, "How about you act like a spoiled child with Brother Chen, and let Brother Chen stay with us to go to college."

"No..." Ye Weiyi retorted almost subconsciously.

Gong Qianli and Nangong Luo were shocked, and heard Ye Weiwei say...

 “How can someone as powerful as my brother be confined here?”

 She raised her head, a crystal teardrop falling from the corner of her eye.

Ye Weiwei wiped it with his hands and spoke clearly word for word, "Brother, he must go to the best place!"


  It seemed as if I could hear the tears in the corners of my eyes falling into my heart inadvertently.


 On the fifth day of Ye Xichen's business trip, Mrs. Ye finally couldn't hold it any longer.

She put down the information about famous foreign schools that she had read several times, rubbed her forehead and told the housekeeper, "Go and ask Miss Mo'er to get ready and go out later."

 The steward responded and then conveyed the message to Li Mo'er.

Li Mo'er quickly tidied herself up, and when she walked to Mrs. Ye's side, she called "Auntie" sweetly.

Mrs. Ye was all smiles when she saw Li Mo'er. She always likes this kind of person who looks petite, innocent and harmless, just like when she didn't blame Ye Wei for the disaster of her marriage.

“Mo’er, you know the address of the only girl, right?”

“Yes, my aunt told me specifically before.”

 “That’s enough, now follow me out and you will lead the way.”

“Auntie is going to go and find the only one?”


"If aunt wants to see her, she can just ask her to wait somewhere. Why bother to go and look for her herself?" This made Li Moer very confused.

Li Mo'er knew that Mrs. Ye didn't like Ye Weiyi, but why was she willing to go to a slum like that where Yu Zun was demoted?

“Of course I want to go and see. The person who has held the title of young lady of my Ye family and has been eating and drinking for several years now leads a completely different life.”

Mrs. Ye spoke eloquently.

 Li Moer understood it instantly.

Mrs. Ye just wanted to see Ye Weiwei's current miserable situation.

Although Ye Weiwei is not considered poor, it is indeed a far cry from the exquisite life in Yejia before.

"Auntie, I went there last time and I know the way. Let's go."

Li Moer held Madam Ye's hand affectionately, as if she really regarded herself as the daughter of the Ye family.

 It’s Chinese Valentine’s Day and I’m going to promote books again

 "Green plums in hand, bamboo horses worry-free"

 "Can't Enough Love: Addicted to Childhood Flirting"

 "Cute Baby 1v1: Cold Husband, Take the Move"

 (End of this chapter)

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