My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 197: skipping exam

Chapter 197 Skipping the Grade Examination

"The only thing you don't know yet is that Aunt Ye has already said that she wants me to go abroad with Brother Chen and accompany him." Li Moer seemed to mention it inadvertently.

Gong Qianli couldn't help but cover up her laughter. When she opened her mouth to retort to Li Moer, Ye Weiwei's eyes told her to shut up.

Ye Weiwei pushed a stack of information books in her hand to pay. Taking advantage of the opportunity to scan the code, she glanced at Li Moer and asked again: "You said you want to go abroad with Brother Chen?"

Li Moer seemed to have a backbone, with her chest raised and her head raised with a bright smile.

"Yes, if you miss Brother Chen in the future, you can contact me and I will tell you some of his daily life."

 “That’s it, that’s good.”

Ye Weiwei reacted indifferently and paid the money after scanning the bar code of the last information book. He talked to Gong Qianli about other things and didn't take Li Mo'er's words to heart at all.


Li Moer was very dissatisfied with Ye Weiwei's seemingly nonchalant performance.

She deliberately said it in front of Ye Youwei because she knew that Ye Xichen had agreed to be admitted to the school, and the Li family had also agreed to let her go abroad.

The matter was a foregone conclusion, so she deliberately mentioned it in front of Ye Yiyi just to see Ye Yiyi be surprised, doubtful and sad.

 But why! Ye Weiwei's reaction was so indifferent?

“It must be intentional.” Li Moer clenched her fists, and the cashier reminded her to pay.

Gong Qianli stood there laughing, "This Li Mo'er is so funny! What an idiot, you actually thought Brother Chen was going abroad."

 “Don’t she know it yet?”

“Of course, apart from the principal, only Luo and I know about it.”

Hearing Gong Qianli’s proud words, Ye Weiwei hugged the information in her hands and secretly swore: She must skip a grade!

Ye Weiwei bought a lot of materials, which were piled up to at least ten centimeters.

From that day on, Ye Weiyi truly became a bookworm in the eyes of everyone. No matter where he went, he was never far from books.

  When Gong Qianli asked Ye Weiwei to go shopping for the twenty-ninth time, she brought back two more books.

Over time, within just two months, Gong Qianli witnessed Ye Weiwei’s desk being piled up with piles of materials from scattered study textbooks.

Gong Qianli took a photo and posted it as a comment. She also spread it among her friends and commented: The only one is going crazy!

Nangong Luo, who had set "Special Care" for Gong Qianli, heard the notification sound, clapped his legs and laughed, and replied under the comment: "666! I don't even understand. She can only jump to the third grade of junior high school if she skips a grade." , is it worth her efforts 365 days a year? It’s not like we haven’t seen each other for three to five years.”

 The only time I saw Gong Qianli's comment and Nangong Luo's reply was when I was lying on the bed after washing up and getting ready to sleep.

 She replied with two words below without hesitation: "It's worth it."

 In this world, Ye Xichen is the most important person to her.

 So, no matter how hard it is, she enjoys it.

 After the results of the monthly exam, Ye Weiwei made rapid progress like a dark horse breaking through the siege and entered the 30th place in the whole grade.

 Teachers and classmates were all shocked, but when thinking about Ye Weiyi's performance during this period, no one can deny that Ye Weiyi studied hard.

 In the second month, Ye Wei's ranking was stable at 30, with no progress or regression.

 In the third month, Ye Weiwei proposed to skip a grade.

The school got in touch with Qiao Anyan, who was overseas. After her parents agreed to apply, Ye Weiwei took the grade-skipping exam.

 On the day when the results came out, she felt extremely nervous.

 (End of this chapter)

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