My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 198: Failed the grade-skipping exam

Chapter 198: Failed the grade-skipping exam

Ye Weiwei mustered up the courage to ask: "Teacher, how was my exam result?"

The serious teacher pushed up his black-rimmed glasses and told her seriously: "Student Qiao Li, your exam is not ideal this time."

Ye Youwei's heartstrings tightened and he bit his lip, unable to speak.

 Gong Qianli and Nangong Luo both sent text messages asking for the results, but Ye Xichen did not.

 She saw the message and did not reply. She hesitated for a long time and had no choice but to tell them the result: "I'm sorry, I failed."

 Yes, she failed the grade-skipping exam!

  When I went to the night bar to train in the afternoon, I fought against my senior brother and couldn't take any of his moves.

"What's going on! Just because you neglected to practice for the exam, you have forgotten everything you have learned before?" Master Shirley slammed the table in anger, "If this continues, you don't have to study anymore!"

 Shirley is extremely strict when teaching, and she is unambiguous in her rebuke to every student who is not serious.

Sherri is not so angry because she can’t teach. If a person lacks talent and can practice hard to make up for it, then there is nothing to blame. The strange thing is that Ye Weiwei has been able to fight against the senior brother in more than three moves before, and can even attack the senior brother when he performs well.

 Now she has gone backwards, that’s why Shirley is so angry!

After Ye Weiwei realized his mistake, he apologized repeatedly, "Master, I'm sorry, I will practice hard!"

 Shirley didn't say a word. Ye Weiwei knew that the master was still angry, so he kept fighting with the senior brother.

Seeing Ye Youwei start to concentrate, Shirley's face improved a lot, and she prepared some tea for the two of them to rest.

Ye Weiwei, who was originally absent-minded, turned her sorrow into strength, clenched her fists, and her voice filled the entire training room.

 “Come again!”

 “Senior Brother, continue!”

Ye Weiwei beat him harder and harder, and he actually used his dexterity to push his senior brother to the ground.

 Shirley was satisfied, with a smile on her face.

But the senior brother who has been training all year round is a senior brother after all. He struggled to resist and almost broke Ye Weiwei's hand due to lack of control of his strength...

 “Ouch, senior brother, let go.”

"I'm sorry, little junior sister, I, I didn't control my strength well."

"Stop, stop, stop!" Shirley waved her hands hurriedly, picked up the guy next to her and gave the elder brother a slap in the face, "I'm still a little girl, you're not serious about bullying your master, write me a thousand words of apology. Letter to!"

 Yeweiyi: “…”

Ye Weiwei witnessed with his own eyes a tall and strong 1.8 meter tall senior brother holding a paper and pen and admitting his mistake.

She wanted to say no, but Master Shirley’s decision was not allowed to be dismissed.

“Youyi, today’s training is over, your brother will be waiting for you outside.”

 “Huh?” She didn’t know Ye Xichen was coming.

 “He came here an hour ago and didn’t let me say anything.”

"Master Shirley, you told me earlier, I, I, I, I'm leaving first, see you Master Shirley." Ye Weiwei quickly put away his backpack and rushed out. As soon as he walked out of the door, he was pressed against the wall.

She subconsciously used her elbow to push her, and her arm was firmly held by someone.

"it's me."

 The familiar figure came from above, making Ye Yiwei shudder.

 “Brother Chen.”

"Yeah." Ye Xichen gently squeezed her arms and felt relieved when he didn't hear any discomfort from her.

 “You just been watching me practice with senior brother?”

“Do you know, I almost couldn’t bear to rush in just now, but I’m very happy to see you grow.”

"But, do you know that I failed the grade-skipping exam..."

If it doesn’t pass, what will Brother Chen do?

Why didn’t Brother Chen ask about it all day?



 (End of this chapter)

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