My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 199: I wasn't there when you cried, how could I comfort you?

Chapter 199 I wasn’t there when you cried, how could I comfort you?

"I see."

"You know?" Ye Weiwei was stunned, "When did you know that I failed the exam?"

 “How could I miss your matter?”

As the two of them were walking on the road, Ye Weiyi suddenly turned around and asked, "Did Brother Nangong tell you about your matter?"

“No, after your exam, the teacher from No. 2 Middle School has already taken a photo of the test paper and sent it to me.”

 So, he knew her grade-skipping exam results from the beginning and knew that she failed the exam.

Ye Weiwei covered her head, feeling that she couldn't calm down, "You haven't asked me today. I thought, I thought you didn't care."

  "If I am not with you when I ask you, if I don't see you when you cry, how can I comfort you?"


 The gentle voice is always so beautiful, and the gentle words and actions are perfect.

 Ye Weiyi lowered his head and slapped his face with a palm, feeling uncontrollable excitement in his heart.

 She had to admit that even breathing became difficult at that moment.

How lucky she is to meet such a gentle person! And he pampers himself wholeheartedly! Did she save the galaxy in her previous life?

It turned out that his voice was so magical. As long as he said those words, she could completely forget all the previous depression caused by failing the exam!

Ye Weiwei clenched and unclenched his hands, gritted his teeth, raised his head excitedly and assured him: "Brother, don't worry, there are still a few months, I will never give up for you!"

Since then, Ye Weiwei has fallen into a new round of studying hard, and the battle has become even more intense than before.

At the moment, no matter how Gong Qianli asks her to go out to play, she refuses to agree, and Zhengtai only reads books.

That night while Ziyi was reading, Gong Qianli sat on the bedside eating potato chips. She also secretly took a photo with her head tilted and posted it on Weibo with the annotation: Ziyi is obsessed with it.

 Soon there was another row of likes and 666 replies.

Nangong Luo’s is the most unique: “My only sister is really the most perseverant person I have ever seen. I have to sigh, the boss’s charm is infinite.”

Gong Qianli smiled happily as she read the likes and comments, but soon, Ye Weiwei also received a reply.

Of course, it was... Ye Xichen's personal call to reply!

Tell her not to stay up late and go to bed quickly.

Ye Weiwei responded cautiously. After hanging up the phone, he couldn't help but let out an "ah" sound and prolonged the sound.

“Liu Li, don’t expose me!” He turned to Gong Qianli and snorted heavily, then picked up the pen and continued writing.

The stunned Gong Qianli raised her profile picture, and then silently clicked a few times on her phone.

I was going to read it before I went to bed, and when I saw it... the replies between Nangong Luo and Gong Qianli filled the screen for several pages.

Ye Weiwei: "..." It seems that I should exclude someone the next time I study.

In this way, Ye Weiwei ushered in the second grade-skipping exam.

“Qiao Li, are you ready?” The serious teacher waved the sealed test paper in front of her.

Ye Weiwei raised his chest and took a deep breath, with a glimmer of determination in his eyes, "Teacher, I'm ready!"

"Hmm." The teacher pushed up her black-rimmed glasses and took apart the test paper and handed it to her.

Ye Weiwei, who was studying in the second grade of junior high school, looked at the questions from the third grade of junior high school and started writing furiously.

If she fails the exam this time, she will lose the opportunity to skip a grade in junior high school, and it will be even more rare in high school.

 So, success or failure depends on this!

Take a deep breath, success or failure depends on this!



 (End of this chapter)

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