My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 202: Disfigured

Chapter 202 Disfigurement

"How dare you hit me?" Li Mo'er was so hurt that tears came to her eyes. She never imagined that one day she would be slapped by Ye Weiwei!

  But Ye Ziyi was still so fearless and put on an innocent expression, "I told you, don't try to take advantage of Brother Chen."

 These people all deserve it!

Even though she had clearly warned them not to do so, they still greedily wanted to take Ye Xichen away from her!

She has never taken the initiative to provoke anyone, but these people always come to cause trouble and make her live in peace.

 “Qiao Lian, you...”

Li Moer raised his hand again to slap him back.

  With a sound of "Pa—", the second slap fell on Li Moer's face.

"Ah!" Li Mo'er held both cheeks with his hands but didn't dare to press them close. He looked at the current Ye Weiyi in horror and took two steps back quickly, "Qiao Li, you are so vicious!"

 “Vicious?” Ye Weiwei took steps and approached Li Moer step by step.

Li Mo'er was so frightened that her feet trembled and she turned around and ran away.

But before she ran out of the corridor, Ye Weiwei grabbed her wrist. Li Moer's strength could not resist her.

"Let me go!" Li Mo'er shouted, but she didn't dare to speak too loudly, because she was afraid that others would see what was happening here, which would make her lose face.

Just when Li Moer thought that Ye Weiwei would take revenge on her, a cold feeling suddenly came from the palm of her hand.

I saw Ye Weiwei stuffing a small white bottle into her palm, and said, "I'm sorry, I was a little angry just now, No, I'll give you the medicine now, wipe your face, the traces will disappear soon."

 Ye Weiwei seemed to have a different face again.

Li Moer felt like she was being mentally tortured!

 How could there be such a person as Ye Youyi? Her eyes are pure, her expression is innocent, but what she does is crueler than anyone else!

 So, when Ye Weiwei let go of Li Mo'er's hand, Li Mo'er just left the bottle on the ground, "I don't believe you are so kind! What a broken bottle, maybe you want me to be disfigured!"

Ye Weiwei pursed her lips, bent down to pick up the bottle, took out the stuff and smeared it on the back of her hand in front of Li Moer, and then stretched out her hand towards Li Moer.

Both of them saw with their own eyes that there were no side effects after applying the medicine on the back of her hand.

"This medicine is very good. I don't want to quarrel with you, so I give it to you as my apology to you." Ye Weiyi's tone was extremely sincere, and he reminded him intentionally or unintentionally: "Otherwise, how will you go back later? Ye's family People should always pay attention to their appearance.”

Perhaps the last two sentences touched Li Mo'er's heart, but Li Mo'er couldn't help but reach out for it.


Just when Li Moer was about to get the bottle, the medicine bottle fell to the ground again.


 “I’m sorry, I’m not sure.”

Ye Weiwei clapped his hands, walked past Li Moer, and left simply.

 She is not afraid of Li Moer getting angry.

Anyway, according to Li Moer's character, she will definitely use that thing, because she can't afford to lose that person!

 Otherwise, she would not be able to explain herself to the good-looking Madam Ye, and she would not be able to bear the strange looks from others.

 This battle is undoubtedly won by Ye Ziwei, because she has an insight into people's hearts.

Li Mo'er, as Ye Weiwei thought, angrily took the medicine in the corridor.

The traces disappeared quickly, but before she had time to feel happy, her face felt like it was on fire and it hurt.

Li Moer's face was distorted and he smashed something, "Qiao Ling! You and I are at odds with each other!"

The junior high school part has come to an end. Today is Saturday, the Chinese Valentine’s Day, so please give me some recommendation votes, messages and rewards~

Brother Chen is gone and he can’t always be by Xiao Ling’s side. Xiao Ling, who has become an “ordinary person”, has to learn to get used to it.

Someone took a video photo of Xiao Lingdang and Li Moer having sex, what will they do?



 (End of this chapter)

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